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A pounding at Sage's bedroom door brought her out of her dreamless sleep. The rough voice of her father alerted Sage, causing her to become more aware of her surroundings.

    "Get up and come down stairs."

Sage said nothing, but complied with his demand. She groggily dragged herself from her bed and started preparing for the day. She had been in the Whitaker manor for sometime now. After her father had taken her from the department of mysteries, she never returned to Hogwarts. She hadn't spoken to anybody, she was more alone than ever. It was strange for Sage to be back to the home she had once loved so much. She no longer recognized the room she had grown up in. She no longer felt familiar with the maze-like halls of the manor that she used to run around in with Draco. She was a foreigner on land once so familiar. A part of her wanted to believe that it was them and the home that had changed, but Sage knew better. She was the one that had changed and she wasn't sure if it was for better or for worse.

As she finished getting ready, she made her way down to the main hall where her parents were. She could hear other familiar voices talking loudly. With weariness in her mind, she walked into the hall. Seated at the long black dining table was her father, her mother, and the Malfoys. Her eyes landed on Draco who was already staring at her with relieved eyes. She walked to the table and took her seat next to her mother. Her hands rested in her lap as the conversation around her continued on. She filled the plate in front of her with food, silently eating. She listened as their parents discussed the future of Sage and Draco. She knew that soon enough, she would be forced to join the death eater ranks along with Draco. Sage could feel the bile rising in her throat as she listened to the plans of their approaching initiation.

Before her mind fully registered her actions Sage stood quickly, her chair scraping the ground as she did so. Silently, she ran out of the room, tears brimming her eyes and her hand covering her mouth. Sage pushed the door of her restroom open, letting the contents of her stomach out into the porcelain toilet below her. Sage payed no mind to the hands that pulled back her hair and gently rubbed her back. Sobs escaped her as she leaned back against the wall of the restroom. The tears that rapidly escaped her eyes blurred her vision. Her breaths became short and erratic, panic flowing through her mind.

"Sage, you need to breath." Draco whispered, his hands rubbing up and down her arms trying to soothe her. Sage clawed at her chest, gasping for air. She could hardly register Draco lifting her and placing her onto his lap. He pulled her into his chest, his arms wrapping around her shaking figure. Draco shushed her, whispering soothing words into her hair as she calmed down. Draco could feel her heartbeat slower and her breaths become even. He lifted himself from the floor, holding Sage bridal style. He made his way to her messy bed and set her down gently as if any sudden movement would break the girl. He pulled her cover over her and sat down on the edge of the bed. Draco grabbed her hand and held onto it tightly.

"I know you're scared, Sage. So am i, but you -we- will be alright. It's gonna be hard, but in the end, we will be okay. I promise you, Sage. I will not let anything happen to you." Draco said, his eyes focused on the quivering hand of his best friend. Sage squeezed his hand with the little energy she had. Every word Draco had uttered was filled with sincerity. Mentally, she made a pact to do anything to protect Draco as he promised to protect her. As sleep began to consume her, she felt the weight on the edge vanish and soft footsteps walk away from the bed.

"Stay, Draco. Please." Sage mumbled out. She felt the other side of the bed dip down and Draco's arms wrap around her. She turned on her other side and rested her head on Draco's chest. She listened to his heartbeat as she thought about what the future held for them. Even through the darkest of times, Sage knew that she would be okay with Draco by her side.

That night, Sage Whitaker and Draco Malfoy were initiated into the death eater ranks. This was the night that Sage fully realized that there was no going back. She was no longer the once pure hearted Sage she was. Now, she was cold and dark, ready to protect the one she loved with her all. But, in the back of her mind, the memory of the bushy haired and wide eyed girl named Hermione Granger, lit a fire of hope. The smallest part of her wanted to fight for Hermione, but she knew that if the Gryffindor girl ever found out that the Dark Lords mark was imprinted to her once flawless skin, there would be no chance at redemption.



part two will be started during christmas break!!!!! in the mean time, i will be starting the story Mariana! it is a get down fic so if you are into it, go show it a little love!

thank you all for joining me on this adventure and i can't wait to start the next one!

until next time


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