thirty three

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The Hospital Wing was silent. Hermione had snuck past the room of Madame Pomfrey and walked to the bed occupied by Sage. She let out a muted gasp at the sight of the scarred girl. She could see her pale skin glistening under the moonlight. She no longer looked like the healthy Sage Hermione had grown to love. Her skin seemed almost grey and her face hollow. The bags under her eyes were prominent, along with the veins seeping through her skin. The sight broke Hermione's already frail heart.

Surprisingly, Draco wasn't occupying the empty chair by Sage's bed. Hermione walked quietly to the chair and sat down, her eyes never leaving the seemingly broken girl. Her hand found Sage's and the warmth that Hermione had missed oh so dearly had returned.

"Oh, Sage." Hermione whispered softly, her eyes scanning the girl in front of her. She wanted to tell Sage everything from Harry's obsession with the two Slytherins to how much Hermione needed Sage. But, no words could ever be enough. So, the heartbroken Gryffindor sat in silence, her hand tightly gripping Sage's, while thinking about what the future would hold for them.
If anybody had walked into the Hospital Wing, they would have been able to see the love that radiated off of Hermione. The peaceful expression made Hermione's heart swell with a love she had never felt before. Before she knew it, tears welled up in her eyes and slipped down her freckled cheeks. All that she could wish for Sage was a lifetime of peace, but no matter how much she may wish, the reality was much more harsh. Hermione wiped away her tears with her free hand and took a deep breath to calm herself. She couldn't help as her eyes wondered to Sage's left forearm. A thick white sheet separated Hermione from all of the answers she needed.

Maybe if I just look. Hermione thought to herself. I could finally know the truth about her. She pushed herself to lift the sheet. Her mind itched to know the truth of what Sage was. Slowly, Hermione lifted a trembling hand. She leaned over the unconscious girl and gently grabbed the sheet.

"What're you doing?" A voice laced with exhaustion broke the silence of the Hospital Wing. Shock traveled throughout Hermione's system as her head snapped to face Sage.

Sage stared back groggily, her tired eyes trained on Hermione. "Fixing your blanket." Hermione had finally answered, her voice soft. Leaning back into her chair, Hermione sighed in relief.
"How are you feeling." Hermione asked Sage, who scoffed bitterly, but groaned in pain when she had moved a bit.

"Like I was stabbed by invisible swords. How do you think?" Sage snapped, her anger growing. Hermione flinched at the sudden change of tone and looked down.

Sage glanced back at the crestfallen girl and sighed at her foolishness. She reached for Hermione's hand and intertwined their fingers. Hermione looked back up at Sage who slowly lifted herself into a sitting position.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, a pained expression covering her face. Hermione leaned back into her seat, allowing Sage to keep her hand clasped around her hand. "For all of this." Sage added after a beat.

Hermione raised a brow as she waited for Sage to clarify. "I'm sorry for hurting you." Sage paused with a tearful smile pulling at her lips. "God, you don't know how sorry i am. You have no idea how much i wished that i could just make things right again."

"Why didn't you?" Hermione cut Sage off with a cracking voice. Sage laughed bitterly, tears spilling from her hazelnut eyes.

"C'mon on, Hermione. There's a reason everyone calls you the brightest witch of our year." Sage teassed, her smile not reaching her eyes. Hermione pulled her hand from Sage's tight grip, denial stirring in the pit of her stomach. Hermione knew what had been keeping the two apart, but she couldn't admit it. It was impossible, right? Her eyes wandered to Sage's forearm, bile rising.

"N-No." Hermione finally muttered, the truth finally settling in. Sage stayed quiet, watching as a heartbroken and horrified expression painted itself onto Hermione's face. Their eyes met and Sage felt more tears falling down her reddened cheeks. Hermione let a silent sob leave her body, causing Sage to shut her eyes tightly. The Gryffindor quickly stood from her seat and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. Tear streaks littered her freckled cheeks as she placed both hands on the sides of Sage's face. Hermione forced their eyes to meet.

"I need you to tell me that you didn't do this willingly." Hermione forced out, her voice broken yet hopeful. Sage felt confusion push itself to the front of her mind.

"Would that change who I am? Or what i've done? I'm a monster, Hermione. Willing or not, that will never change. Can't you see that? Can't you see that this is why i've been pushing you away. You deserve so much more than this." Sage spoke, her words slurred by the continuous stream of tears that fell from her eyes. Hermione shook her head, her mind and heart disagreeing with each word that Sage uttered.

"No. You don't get to do this. You don't get to push me out like this. You don't get to make these decisions for me. Because I know you, Sage. I know that you are not a monster. And you're right. I do deserve more than this, but so do you. But, the only way for us to get what we deserve is to let me in. Let me help you." Hermione said strongly, her eyes never leaving Sage's. "Please."
Moments of silence passed, but finally, Sage nodded agreeing with Hermione. Hermione smiled, the tears long gone, and pulled Sage towards her connecting their lips. The warmth that had been missed so much returned and filled both Sage and Hermione with pure ecstasy.

Sage didn't know how this was going to work out nor how Draco would react, but she knew one thing for sure. She was madly in love with Hermione Granger and not a damn thing could change that.

a huge thank you to Tisthehaters for helping me with this chapter! Please tell me what you though of this chapter, i'd love to hear any criticism or comments!
hope yall all enjoy and remember to vote, follow, and comment!
until next time

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