Chapter 11: With a Flip of a Switch

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 11: With a Flip of a Switch

               I leaned against the chimney bricks, burring my face into my hands as I slid down the wall. No one could hear me up here and I took comfort in that - at least until a very annoying voice cleared their throat. "Crying again - what about this time?" 

I looked up to seen Pyro with his usual cocky grin. "You're an asshole." I mumbled, the words getting caught in my throat. 

He sat down next to me, biting back the snide remark. "That's a given but I've been an asshole since we were kids." He offered a smile that I shrugged off. 

"Why didn't you tell me that my whole life was a lie?" I asked as I pulled my legs up to my chest. 

"Would you have believed me?" 

"I suppose not." I dried my eyes off on my sleeve of my shirt, the stiff leather doing more smearing than anything. "Do I always have to dress like this?" I attempted to flex in the tight attire but found it painful. 

Pyro, on the other hand, erupted in laughter. "No. They just dressed you up because the Sayrin hadn't seen you in three years." 

I snubbed my nose, hatred rising like bile in my throat. "I want to go home." Despite having found Niro and all the unexplainable feelings that came with him, I was missing my pack - but Jay more than anything. There was just something about my Alpha that brought out the same feelings Niro did. 

He slowly shook his head, "You don't belong to the Shifter District anymore - technically, you never did." 

"I will always belong there - I am an Omega!" I cried. 

Pyro put his hands on either side of my shoulders, "Calm down Lauren. If you get too worked up your wings may sprout." 

"This is a load of shit! I want to go home." Pyro instantly jumped back as my skin began to heat, fire playing on my fingertips. I screamed as the flames liked at my tender skin. "Breathe Lauren - concentrate. It's not really burning you." He spoke from somewhere. That was easy for him to say, he wasn't a human fireball! 

'Lauren, listen to me, I'm right here.' It was Niro. 

'Don't look at me!' I yelled back, 'Go away!' 

'I'm not going anywhere. Please do try to calm down.' I could feel the fire fizzle with every word he spoke and a small part of me hated the fact that he could control it when I couldn't. 

As soon as the fire diminished I could feel Niro's arms around me, his hands considerably softer than Pyro's. He pulled me to him, hugging me tightly. "Are you okay?" 

I buried my face into his chest, my cheeks once again streaked with tears. "You're okay." He let me lay in his arms, blubbering like a baby, whispering random things into my ear every once in a while. 

He seemed content just sitting on the roof with me, only encouraging me to go inside once it began to get too cold and I started shivering. 

"You must hate me." It was the first thing I had said in hours and my throat violently objected. 

Niro looked at me suspiciously, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "What are you talking about?" 

"The Sayrin," I pushed myself up but allowed his arms to remain around my waist, "He hurts people and I'm just like him." I looked away, ashamed of who truly fathered me. 

"Don't talk like that." Niro's hand caressed my cheek, pulling my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. "You're nothing like that man and you know that - I love you Lauren." My eyes widened as he pressed his lips to mine suddenly then they gently closed. Butterflies erupted through my stomach, just like they had the first time he kissed me. Everything seemed to disappear when I was with him, everyone except for Jay. 

                Jay wasn't mine to worry about though - he mated Mika ad I could never forgive him for that. Did he even really care about me or was I just a toy to play with on the side? 

                Niro tightened his grip on me possessively, "You know - when that girl took a shining to you and you kind of liked her back, I didn't mind because I knew you'd never love her the way you love me but this Alpha - I don't like him at all." 

"It's not like that with Jay..." Just like that, it clicked in my head - Niro was afraid to lose me again. That's why he came to find me when I was demanding that Pyro take me back. It didn't occur to me until now that Niro could feel vulnerable. 

"Promise me you won't ever let him touch you again." Could I really promise that - and mean it? At the same time, I couldn't keep hurting him - he's been hurt so much since the first war and I didn't want any of his pain to be because of me. "Lauren?" 

"I promise." I mumbled. He smiled and kissed me again before getting up and walking to the door. "Where are you going?" 

"I have to go meet Nico, the Sayrin sent for him as soon as you arrived." Nico!? That was the guy that violated my every though, rewrote the pages like some deranged author. 

"No!" I shrieked before I could stop myself. Niro paused, surprised by my outburst. "Stay away from him!" I growled dangerously. 

He lightly bowed his head, all familiarity gone. "I'm sorry young master but I can't do that." 

"Lauren - my name is Lauren not 'young master.' You had no problem calling me that all this time." 

"My apologies Lauren but I must go." With that, he walked out, ripping out the pieces of my heart that I had just gotten back. 

                Niro had done a complete three-sixty: he wasn't acting like he was seconds before his announcement but then again - he could have flipped the switch that's kept him alive all these years. 

                Living here wasn't easy but I quickly learned when and when not to bother Niro when he was working and the whole scene in the dining room earlier couldn't have been good for him. After I hit my head, I remembered everything except one area that was still fuzzy. 

                The day my mom and I went into hiding, we went to see Nico but that's all I remember. I can't recall where we went or what the guy looked like - the next thing I know we where being welcomed into the pack. 

                I snapped back from my memoir, jumping out of bed and slipping a pair of sneakers on. I was determined to save to save what memories I had - whether they were real or not. I slipped out the door and bolted down the hall, desperately trying to remember the way out. 

"It's nice to see you again Nico." My father's voice cascaded through the only open door. 

"It's nice to be of service again." A cold chill ran up my spine. That voice - it was Niro's voice. 

'What are you doing Lauren - run!' I yelled at myself, making my legs move again. I hit the door head on, pausing long enough to push it open before I was plunged into the early morning light - bright enough to see the gentle shadows but still dark enough to hide my black clothes. Nothing but trimmed grass and shrubbery surrounded this place - meaning - no where to hide. I ducked behind a bush long enough to catch my breath before I took off again. My feet slapped against the hard ground, louder than I would've wanted. I was able to see the gate, tell and daunting, in the distance - then I heard the sounds of pursuit behind me. My blood ran cold as I wished this was all some bizarre nightmare.

The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Where stories live. Discover now