Chapter 7: You're a What?

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The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 7: You're a What?

               I shakily pushed myself off the ground, Pyro holding his hand out to help me. "I'm fine - where are we supposed to go and what happened to Jay!?" I fell to my knees beside his limp body, partly because I was tired and partly because it was a way I was taught to show respect. If the Alpha was on the ground, either you got on the ground with them or you kneeled. My old habits of the tribe weren't ones I would lose easily.  

"He was going to figure out what you are and I couldn't allow that." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. "We have to leave now before anyone sees him."  

I jerked my arm away, sick of being told what to do. "If I leave now then everyone will think I did this to him." My tone was starting to take on pleading measures and I hated it, "I'll be exiled and I'll never be able to come back." 

Pyro lightly slapped my cheek, temporarily stunning me silent. "Get a hold of yourself Lauren! There's nothing left here for you." He got a look of sympathy across his face, "Your mom and dad are in another district and I'm sure you don't want to sacrifice your life over territory."  

"They're in another district?" I spoke breathlessly before shaking my head. "What does it matter!? This is my world, my family, my - my life." I was almost broken down to tears but I was determined to not let Pyro see me so weak.  

"Think about it for a second, are these people really your family? Are they of actual blood relation?"  

"That's not what this is about - you don't have to be of blood relation to be family." I turned Jay's head to the side so that he wasn't face down in the dirt. "What did you do to him?" 

"I fed on him." He spoke smugly, causing my cheeks to flush. I instantly grabbed for Jay, inspecting his neck intently. "What are you looking for?" 

Once I was pacified that Jay lacked any bite marks I looked back to Pyro. "How did you feed on him?" 

For a second he looked absolutely insulted, "You thought I bit him!? I am a pure-blood demon - I would never even think of conversing with those dead-risen rejects!" He's of the demon district? My eyes widened, Jay's head gently falling from my hands. "Don't act like you haven't figured it out, you're carrying the Sayrin's pendent for crying out loud!" He threw his arms in the air dramatically.  

"So the Sayrin is my did!" He simply rolled his eyes. 

"I swear, I'm not getting paid enough to baby sit you." 

I stubbornly crossed my arms, "Then leave. I'm not going anywhere anyway."  

Pyro ran a stressed hand through his hair. "Lauren, you won't last long here. Your Demon genes are stronger than the Shifter ones - besides, once they find out you're part demon they'll kill you anyway." 

"Jay wouldn't do that." I remembered him standing up against his father and the brother pack for me, he wouldn't have done that just to kill me now - would he? 

"He would to, now are you going to come willingly or am I going to have to knock you out?" I definitely did not want to be 'knocked out' only to wake up in an unknown place but I didn't want to leave either. Even though a part of me hated Jay for mating someone else and the fact that he sexually harassed me every time he cam within a five foot radius - I still felt something for him. The gut-wrenching feeling wasn't strong enough for me to consider love but it was pretty close. "Lauren..." I bit my lip. There was no way I was going to get out of here without an unharmed ego but I could try. I am part whelp after all, from what my mother had allowed me to learn, we were supposed to be faster than demons. I took off in a full sprint, running as fast as I could. He shouted something behind me but I was already too far to hear him. Trees blurred passed me as I frantically tried to locate the camp in the dark. I attempted to smell for anyone to lead me back but all I could smell was the unfamiliar wood around me. 

'Don't be afraid Lauren. Go with him - he'll bring you home.' Home? Was the voice I've been hearing my dad's? Forget that - did I even have a home anymore? I brought my hands up to my chest, my fingers tracing over the angry, red flesh. 

My mark - it tied me to my pack and Alpha while the symbols themselves tied me to the demon district. "Fine - I'll go with you!" I yelled into the night.  

Pyro chuckled above me, relaxing lazily on a branch. "Took you long enough - you should really stop arguing with yourself though.  

"Fuck off." I mumbled.  

"That's fine - it's funnier when other people do it for me." He jumped down and landed at my feet. "Ready?"  

"First you have to tell me what in the hell is up with that whole sheer curtain - black mist thing!" 

Pyro looked confused for a moment then bursted into a fit of hysterics.  

"Those are your wings, you idiot." 

"'Wings?' I have wings?" My fingers traced the scars that had been left behind. "How come they only came out when I was wearing my dad's pendent?" It felt wrong calling the Sayrin my dad. I didn't know him and I already had a dad - granted, he was no longer with me but he was still my dad none the less.  

"Because you're a mixed breed, you require something from each district to channel those genes - hence, the Sayrin's pendent or your Alpha's orders." I hated feeling so lost! The demon district was a total mystery to me. My mom had refused to let me learn about it, I threw a fit for days but she never gave in. Now, I understand why...she didn't want my opinion of my true father tainted by the pack. She wanted me to create my own opinion - when and if - I ever met him.  

"Can we just go before I change my mind?" I hissed, tired of being tossed from place to place without any thought or consideration for how I felt about the whole thing. 

"Relax! It's going to be hell living with you if you're going to act like such a baby." Pyro pulled out a thin strip of fabric from around one of his belt loops and tossed it around us, tightening it until we were pushed up against each other. 

I squirmed at the pressure and the fact that he was hard against me. "What do you mean 'living with me?'" He smiled and jerked in the fabric a final time, the air instantly being knocked out of me as the trees began to spin and my world went black.

The Alpha's Omega (Alpha/Omega Book 1/3) [Boy/Boy] - 2012Where stories live. Discover now