The Gift

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It was a day like any other day. Victor Creed had just come from a mission for Stryker now on his way home when he spots a small package lying innocently in front of his door. Too tired to even read the label, Victor grabbed the package and threw it on the couch as soon as he walked through the door. Now wasn't the time to study and examine the labels on a package in his opinion. All he wanted to do was take a nice hot shower and like all felines, Victor needed a five-hour cat nap before people start showing up for no reason.

~*In the Shower*~ X3

Victor thought of all the possible outcomes for who could have sent him a package. Was it Wade trying to pull a prank? No, too obvious. Could it have been Stryker taunting him to kill someone else and take more missions. No, he would've sent his pet Zero to talk him into it. Or maybe it was Logan. As much as he's still pissed off at Vic, they're still brothers. Victor growled in frustration having no clue who and why someone would send him a box. The real question was What the hell is it? Maybe he just needs to sleep off some stress. 'Yeah, just stressed. I'll just sleep it off.' Vic thought to himself continuing to rinse the AXE off watching as the suds flew down the drain.

~*After the oh so soothing shower*~

The male feral dried himself with a towel and put on some boxers before slipping into a pair of sweat pants. He was too tired to put a shirt on, so he closed the curtains darkening the room before climbing into bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

Turns out Victor slept thru the entire night up until 12:00. Tis then he was awoken to a crash coming from the living room. You could say he was ready to pounce. Slowly and quietly, Victor crept out of bed and through the hall stopping at the stairs. Silence screamed loud and clear confusing the male feral. He strained his ears to listen harder. Breathing. An extra heartbeat. When did he get a music box? He went down the stairs and walked into the living room only to be slapped with a wave of fragrance. Citrus and honeysuckles. 'What's a woman doing in my house? Not to mention that she's a feral hybrid.' Victor thought to himself.

Well, no ones here. Odd. He observed the room checking for what's out of place. The bookshelves were fine, the entertainment system was still there, the couch had ripped cardboard and a broken music box,... Wait, ripped card board...a broken music box? Those weren't there before. Especially the music box. Victor began to examine the music box as it played it's tune. He'd seen it before, but it was missing something. He just couldn't put his finger on it. Another crash was heard when Victor noticed a shattered beer bottle beside the coffee table. He pinched the bridge of his nose as a headache took place in his feral brain/mind. He couldn't think straight, not with a clumsy woman in the house.

Throwing the box back on the couch, Victor followed the sound of her breathing into the kitchen. There she stood twirling like the ballerina she is. It seems as though she'd caught his scent because as soon as she did, she perked up and began to circle him. As she studied him, Victor grew more irritated. That's when she stopped in front of him and placed her ear to his chest hearing for his heartbeat. She smiled at him hearing that he to had the beating in his chest, but he wasn't smiling leaving the girl confused. Her hands went up to his face and made faces. Victor saw it cute how she looked so focused on his face. 'Wait, what? What am I thinking?' He questioned himself grabbing her porcelain like hands causing her to jump.

She questioned his appearance. His pecks compared to her breasts. His muscular arms to her small ones. Why he had all those squares on his torso.(His abs. Not that she knows what they are, but just sayin) How she had more hair on her head than he. And why his hands were bigger than hers. Most importantly, why he was taller than her.

Obviously she has never seen a man before. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Victor had placed her on the couch as he paced the front of the room. Though he was completely confused and irritated, she found it rather amusing how he made faces every now and then. This went on for about 10minutes until he stopped and looked at her.

"Who are you?" He questioned. She'd never heard a voice like that before. Honestly, in her opinion, it sent shivers down her spine.


"Do you have a name?"

No answer.

"Can you even talk?"

She looked at him and shook her head earning a groan from Victor. She felt weird when he did that. It sounded....attractive? 'How can he make that noise? Makes me feel funny.' She thought as he began to pace again.

'Female ferals can't be mute. But a hybrid is questionable.' He thought.

Deciding to ask later, Victor went back to his room and got dressed leaving a confused ballerina on the couch. She waited patiently until she heard him coming down the stairs. He had a pair of denim jeans and a big black coat.

"I'm going out." He announced not thinking that the curious ballerina would follow.

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