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AFF: Requested by Trash_Bag <3

This is not the best situation Minseok would want to be in right now. Second year of high school came and that was not a very tempting fact. It was a new school all together and that was just a no no in his head. Plus half the semester has already gone so he just entered everything like some kind of intruder. His chubby cheeks, fuller thighs and fluffy looks in general were the reason of bullying... So he hoped that everyone will accept him at the new school, but you can't ever put your expectations high because reality can hit you strong.
So here he is. Walking down the new halls, pressing his new books to his chest. Minseok entered his classroom. No one really looked at him in a weird way or anything. Some students even smiled at him. He found an empty seat and sat down, his sharp yet round eyes looking around the classroom. They caught a glimpse of a certain guy. His eyes were cat like, the corners were a littler higher yet his eyebrows made him look like a questioning puppy. Then his sharp jawline making him suddenly so attractive and sexy that it made the staring boy uncomfortable.
Minseok couldn't look away. The guy seemed like he was having fun, but a little bored. Some girl was talking him into sitting with her. He looked at her like it's gonna be a "yes", but he just looked around and their eyes met. Minseok blinked few times and looked at his books. A nervous blush creeping on his cute, chubby cheeks.

The guy then smiled to himself and easily told the girl that he had someone to sit next to and walked away like nothing happened. He made his way to the new student and sat next to him. Minseok raised his confused eyes meeting with other ones.

The guy was really close, looking at him like a curious kid. That made Minseok jump a bit since he wasn't expecting to feel his nose almost touch with the handsome class mate.

"What's your name?" He asked smiling and not moving.


"Waaaah, you're so cute~ I'm Jongdae" He said and pinched Minseok's soft cheek.

"W-what are you doing?" Minseok asked lightly pushing away Jongdae's hand as he lowered his eyebrows . He's having second thoughts about this guy. Minseok wasn't very comfortable with any kind of skinship with people he barely knew. Especially when he was a little self conscious about his body.

"Are you shy?" Jongdae smirked. "You're such a cute bubble you know?"

"E-excuse me?" Minseok now was a little angry. "Why are you saying these things?"

"Well" The weird guy leaned in a little as if he was going to tell him a secret. "I just really like it when I see someone adorable and nice looking and I just can't help myself when I see someone so soft~" (Ehem sorry if this is cringy)

"U-Uh I think I will go and change my seat" Minseok was about to stand up, but every spot was taken so he sighed and sat back down.

"Cute" Jongdae said.

Few days passed. Minseok could say that Jongdae seemed like a nice guy. You could really say he was his friend and that was something different to Minseok. But at the same time he couldn't tell what to expect from him. One moments he's talking normally and the other his hand is on his curvy waist. Minseok did start getting used to it, but still found it quiet... Weird. But then valentine's day came and things went to a whole new level.

Minseok was making his way from the lockers as he suddenly felt someone literally grabbing one of his butt cheeks and squeezing it. Poor Minseok got real surprised so he squealed and as a reflex hit that someone with the books he had in his hands. The whole time his eyes were closed, but he opened them right away as he heard a very familiar giggle.

"Jongdae!? WHAT the hell?!"

"You got that scared?" Jongdae asked laughed.

"YES! Yes I did~ Why did you do that?" Minseok asked as he started to blush like the reddest strawberry.

"Awww now you're blushing~" Jongdae said as he started walking towards Minseok as he walked backwards. "I did it because I just had an urge to do that."

Minseok gulped as he felt a wall behind him. This was a very complicated situation adding the fact that Jongdae just places one hand next to his head so escaping was a negative choice.

"Seeing that cute, chubby butt of yours just makes me wanna do all kinds of things to it" Jongdae said while smirking.

"J-Jongdae, w-what has got into you?" Minseok asked looking everywhere, but not his eyes.

"Minnie, tell me" Jongdae spoke as he suddenly placed his other hand on Minseok's waist and went down to his behind. "Do you really don't like this?" And his fingers slowly squeezed the soft butt cheek.

"Y-yah~" Minseok blushed "T-this is so.." he looked finally turned his face to look at Jongdae's eyes and again their noses almost touched. He froze. So confused and lost. He was surprised by his own thoughts. He actually kind of liked it... In a wired way. And when he was about to open his mouth to talk he was cut off by Jongdae backing away while smiling like a fox and looking for something in his pocket.

"Minnie, today is valentine as you know. Now, I'm gonna be a gentleman and try not to do these things today and nicely ask you. Would you like to go to the park today after school? Well in... In other words... Will you be my valentine?" Jongdae asked while blushing for the first time ever in front of Minseok's eyes and handing out a cute little key chain. It was a baby pink baozi.

Minseok's jaw dropped a little. What was even happening? His hear jumped. The butterflies ticklet his tummy and he could feel that light sickness when your crush is the first thing you see in the morning. He slowly closed his pretty lips and smiled.

"S-sure" Minseok said.

"For real?!" Jongdae's eyes got big. He was about to say something else,but the bell rang and they knew they had to run so he just took Minseok by his little hand and ran, not saying anything else. Just smiling like a dumb kid.

It was getting late. The day passed really quickly. It seemed like any other day, but with shy smiles, sweaty palms and awkward little conversations with eyes. Jongdae walked with Minseok to the bus stop that was near Minseok's house they were waiting for other's bust to come. Suddenly Jongdae turned to Minseok as if he forgot something and quickly took his hand.

"The bus is coming already, but I was so stupid to forget this."


And the taller teenager leaned in. Their lips touched. Even though it wasn't the perfect kiss like in those romantic movies. It was chilly and their lips felt weirdly wet and cold, but it was perfect for them. It was sweet. Minseok was about to close his eyes as he felt other's lips move away.

"These buns" Jongdae squeesed Minseok's cheeks. "are all mine~"

Jongdae smiled sheepishly and jumped in to the bus. As the doors closed he put his had next to his ear and mouthed "call me" making Minseok giggle.


He stood there until the bus got out of sight. There was something in Minseok's hand and he only felt it now. The boy looked down and it was that baby pink baozi key chain. He giggled again. That was... Everything was nothing he expected.


  this story is so cheesy I can't XD hope it's not too weird~  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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