Chapter Three - Jordomi

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I groaned, and flopped backwards onto my bed. I was bored out of my mind, and the guys were busy doing something gang related. My parents were at a party across town, and of course, I just had to be left alone in the house. It's a freakin' Saturday night!

"Saturday night, and I'm laying in bed. Wanna know why? Cause I don't have any friends, and it sucks!" I huff, quoting Cameron Dallas. I open my phone and enter the TraceAce app and I tap the group chat.

NaOhMe4: guysssss, I'm bored. Ugh.

Immediately, a text comes back from Jordan. Oh brother, that boy makes the whole damn zoo run wild in my stomach. I look at him like I look at food, yes, I just love him that much. The bad part about it is that I'd never stand a chance with him. I mean, c'mon, he's Jordan freakin' Wallace! He can have any girl he wants. Apparently, I'm now one of those fan girls who dreams of him constantly.

DeckDaHalls3: not my problem.

NaOhMe4: I hate you, Declan.

I don't hate Declan at all, I was just bored out of my mind. No one was trying to help me get unbored either. So, I've resorted to this.

DeckDaHalls3: love you too, Naomi. 😏

JorDunDun2: ugh. I have nothing to do, Naomi I'm coming over with food.

Okay, it's official. I've fallen head over heels for this boy. I mean, if you bring me food, I automatically want to marry you. My heart started beating fast, and my stomach was doing somersaults.

NaOhMe4: um... Okay.

A few minutes later, my doorbell rang. I quickly fixed my hair, and ran downstairs to answer it. I opened the door, revealing Jordan standing there with pizza, tacos, and two large sodas. He grinned at me. "Like what you see?" He started flexing his muscles, but I wasn't looking at that. Okay, I was, but I pretended I wasn't. I licked my lips in anticipation of eating the food. So I did what any logical food loving teenager did.

I snatched the food from his hands, and ran to the kitchen faster than the Flash. Jordan pouted. "So you just use me for food, huh?" I snickered in response to that, and grabbed a taco. It was a beef taco, with sour cream, sprinkled cheese, lettuce, and tomato. It looked delicious. So did Jordan, but he didn't need to hear that from me 😉.

"Naomi, you're eye raping the food. Just eat it. You're creeping me out," Jordan told me, giving me a weird look as he grabbed a slice of pizza. I flipped him off, and I bit the delicious taco of heaven. I think I died and went to heaven. I hungrily munched, Jordan watching me intently. I stopped, just as I was about to put the poor taco out of it's misery. Well, misery for the taco, happiness for me.

"Is there something on my face?" I ask. I put down the taco on it's small little plate and grabbed a few napkins to wipe my hands.

"Yeah, just look in the mirror and I'm pretty sure you'll cry." Jordan snorted, taking a bite our of his slice of pizza. My eyes widen, and I ran to the hallway looking for the little beaded mirror we kept just in case we were too lazy to go upstairs. I looked into the mirror, and I almost screamed! Sour cream was on the ends of my lips, taco grease was all over my chin and nose. I had a piece of lettuce stuck to my nose. I blushed in embarrassment as I went back to the kitchen to grab some napkins. Jordan was snickering to his self once he saw my horrified face.

"How does one girl eat so messy?" He asked himself. I punch his shoulder.

"Shut up!" I groan. I take some napkins and wipe all of the taco remnants off of my face. I delicately floss between my teeth, yes, I'm that much of a freak. Don't judge me, people of the earth.

"Aw, why'd you wipe it off? I was gonna take a picture and send it to the guys!" Jordan pouted, looking mock disappointed.

"I'd knee you straight where the sun doesn't shine, Wallace." I narrow my eyes at him. His phone suddenly dings, and he snickers out loud. I snatch his phone quickly, and run as fast as I could to the bathroom. He was hot on my tail, telling me to give it back. I made it to the bathroom just in time, and I locked the door behind me.

"Naomi!" Jordan banged his fists against the door. "Open the door!" I opened his phone and clicked his private messages with Bennett. I was shocked. No, I was astonished. No, I was flabbergasted.

JorDunDun2: she just looks so adorable when she's eating.

BentOverBckwards1: Jordan, just tell her already. Send me another picture of a bear eating food and I'll kill you. 😒

I'll have you know Bennett, that I do not look like a bear while eating. Wait, do I? I mean, Jordan did send him a picture of me eating with basically the entire taco smashed onto my face. So embarrassing. Focus, Naomi! Jordan called me cute!! I bite back a squeal.

"Naomi!" Jordan groaned against the door. "I'm gonna die of exhaustion if you don't open this damn door!" I do my happy dance, which consists of a bunch of old school moves. I moonwalk, do a shimmy thingy with my feet, and I basically jump around. I put on a poker face that would make Bennett proud. I open the door, Jordan almost stumbles into me since he was leaning on the door.

"Jesus, can you give me a warning woman?" Jordan groaned.

"Nope, let's watch a movie!" I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the living room. His hand feels so warm against mine. I try to ignore the electricity pumping through my veins as we walk to the living room.

"I never did get my phone back, y'know." Jordan points out as I let go of his hand to plop onto the couch. I put it in the back pocket of my jeans, I know he wouldn't go as far to retrieve it from there.

"It's in my back pocket." I tell him, grabbing the remote. I click Netflix. Jordan shivers in disgust. You wouldn't dare, Jordan Wallace. You wouldn't dare. I flick through movies and television shows, saying 'no, no, hell no.' Jordan snatches the remote and clicks on a movie called Friday the 13th. I groan, why did he have to pick scary movies.

"I really dislike you, I hope you know that." I tell him with a glare.

"You love me." Jordan shrugs. True, I do love you. Thought I'd never say that to you out loud. Jordan lays down his head in my lap, and stretches out on the couch. I unconsciously run my fingers through his dirty blonde hair, which was incredibly soft. I have to seriously find out what shampoo he uses. He closes his eyes as I massage his scalp.

"Whoops, sorry Jordan." I apologize. I was about to take my fingers out of his hair, until he grabbed my wrist.

"No, that felt good. Keep doing that." Jordan pouted. I blush involuntarily, and continue to rake my hands through his soft hair. After awhile, Jordan's asleep and I'm left watching this movie all by myself. I continue to rake my fingers through his hair even though he isn't awake.

I sigh, looking down at him. "Just why do you have to be so hot, funny, stupid, did I mention hot?" I groan. Jordan continues to snore.

"I just wish you'd tell me if you like me or not so I can get over this crush I have on you!" I exclaim. Suddenly, Jordan sits up. He grabs my face.

"I do like you, in fact I love you." Jordan smashes his lips onto mine, and it's like fireworks are in the background. It's just so perfect, thank you god.

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