Chapter Four - Bennomi

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I hurled into the toilet of the base, Jordan holding my hair back. I leaned back against the tub, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Oh my god, I feel like death." I groaned, and I felt another round coming up. I clutched the toilet again on my knees, Jordan still holding my hair back. I waited a few seconds before flushing. I leaned back against the tug again. Jordan raised a eyebrow.

"Naomi, what did you eat?" Jordan frowned. I stood up, with the help of Jordan, on my wobbly legs. I don't know what's wrong with me. I only ate some cookies, some spaghetti, and some chocolate cake from 3 weeks ago. Okay, maybe that was a bad idea. But it's cake! You can't go wrong with cake! It was in the fridge, if that makes a difference.

"3 week old cake. That was very stupid, and dangerous." Declan said bluntly, having me feel the glare from his intense chocolate eyes. I brushed my teeth quickly while washing my face. Yes, I'm a multitasker. Sue me.

"It's cake, though!" Jordan protested in my defense. I agreed with Jordan, and Declan smacked the back of my head. I grimace at him. I spit the water out, and wipe my face clean.

"Cake or not, if it's three weeks old you shouldn't eat it!" Declan replied, glaring at me once again. I groan, tilting my head upwards to the ceiling.

"Don't worry, if he nags, that only means we care." Jordan reassured me. Well, can he at least accept the fact I'm a girl? I mean, he can't just hit me. Domestic abuse is real, people. And I'm against it 100%!

"It was in the refrigerator!" I exclaim. Declan tsks at me, and walks away. I frown.

"Like you wouldn't have done the same thing!" I yell after him. I don't think he heard me. I sigh, and turn to Jordan. His arms are open wide, and I fall into them. He's known about the ever so present crush I have on, drumroll please.

The Bennett Frazier. It was seriously starting to ruin my life. Declan and Jordan were such a cute couple. "Jordan!" Declan whined from downstairs. Yes, we made Jeclan happen my friends. Cue the squeal.

Jordan patted my back. "It'll be fine! Just tell him already!" Jordan said, then left to see what Declan was whining about. I got an A- on a history test today. That's the lowest I've ever gotten, and don't you dare think I'm going to let that slip past. I've got to get over this crush thing I have on Bennett. It'll be the death of me.

I walk downstairs, scowling once I see Jordan and Declan making out on the couch. I grab a nearby pillow and throw it at them. "Don't do it on the couch! I sleep there sometimes, y'know." They chuckle, and walk upstairs to Jordan's room hand in hand. Ew.

"They better not be doing it on my couch! Now I'll have to throw it away!" Bennett groaned in his monotonous voice. He was in the kitchen, I think. I walked inside of the kitchen to see him banging his forehead against the microwave repeatedly.

"Don't kill yourself there, buddy." I laugh.

"That's a good idea, here, slit my throat and I'll make the police think it was a suicide." Bennett said handing me his sharp dagger from his back pocket. My eyes widen. Bennett laughed at my face, tucking the dagger safely back into his pocket.

"I was just kidding, oh my goodness your face!" Bennett laughed. I rolled my eyes, but smiled nevertheless. Jordan and Declan came downstairs with mischievous grins on their faces.

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