Chapter Five - More Bennomi 😛

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"It's so hot," I gasped. My tongue was so dry it felt like a desert. I was lying on the couch of the base, face down. I was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a tank top along with some sandals. The guys all had their shirts off trying to stay cool, while fanning themselves. Bennett was on another couch fanning himself with a cooking magazine. Declan was lying on the coffee table in front of me, and Jordan was lying on the floor being dramatic. The news said it'd be 100°. Hottest day of the year.

"I'm going to die, I can feel it. Naomi, tell my mother I love her!" Jordan wailed. He rolled his eyes to the back of his head, and laid still, although his chest was still moving. I looked down at him.

"Shut up, you're making it hotter!" I groaned, whacking him with a pillow. I put my face back into the couch. Declan was cursing Bennett, and they were arguing.

"I told you to get the air conditioner fixed in the winter!" Declan snorted. Bennett frowned, then spoke in his quiet voice.

"Doesn't make sense for it to get fixed in the winter. It was too cold to be outside, anyways!" Bennett argued. Jordan was now convulsing on the ground, being totally dramatic once again. Bennett & Declan's voices were now rising louder. They both hopped up and got into each other's faces. Declan's fists were curled, and Bennett's face was blank. That's how he always looks, forgot about that. So wait, Bennett was staring him down but his eyes revealed that he was pissed. That's bad. Oh very bad.

"Jordan, come on we have to break it up before a fist is thrown!" I whacked Jordan again. He sat up, and his eyes filled with panic.

"You take Declan, and I'll take Bennett." Jordan told me. For a split second, I thought about just letting them fight. I mean, it's hot. Way too hot to break up fights. I shook the thought and hopped up. I squeezed my tiny body in between theirs, and pushed them back a little bit.

"Guys, it's too hot to fight!" I tell them. Jordan stood behind the coffee table while we were in front of the coffee table with a frown. I can practically feel their anger radiating off their bodies. Not long before someone throws a punch. If I get punched, someone is going to die. Jordan watched us very closely.

"What, just like it was too cold to fix the air conditioner?" Declan snorted, shoving my hand off his chest.

"You know what, I'll just let you guys fight." I hopped over the coffee table, and sat down. Jordan sighed tiredly.  Bennett chuckled humorlessly.

"It was -36° outside. Who in the hell was going to go outside? I know I sure as hell wasn't." Bennett responded calmly. I know that's right.

"That's cause your not a man." Declan snorted. Bennett's eye twitched, like he was trying not to punch him. Jordan quickly stood up.

"This is going too far, stop you guys!" Jordan yelled.

"And what? You are? I see why your parents didn't want you." Bennett snorted. That struck a nerve.

"You ran away from your daddy after your mom died. Why Bent? You scared he's gonna cut you off? And then you'll be broke, just like the rest of us." Declan sneered. Next thing I knew, Bennett's fist came crashing down on Declan's face with so much force I thought Declan was out cold. Declan literally fell back. Bennett's eyes were furious, and he towered over Declan like a skyscraper.

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