Chapter 3- Secrets

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Raw Christmas

This had been one of the most stressful weeks of my life.

All week my mind was worrying over that pill. The first few nights were the worst, which didn't make my situation with the pills any better, for I almost slipped into one of my episodes. But as the week grew on, I finally convinced myself that I was worrying over nothing.

The pill, yes, was honestly still on the floor of the arena where I'd dropped the bag. But, if anyone ever found it, how on earth could they know it was mine?

With that worry squared away in my head, I could lace up my Chuck Taylor's in peace. Well, as "in peace" as I could get with the cast of Total Diva's chatting their mouths off behind me.

Everyone had a match tonight except me in some six-on-six "jingle bell" match or whatever. I, however, was fine not to be involved. I would be sitting at commentary with my belt on my shoulder, sharing my thoughts on all the girls in the ring, which honestly I really enjoy doing.

Besides, the great thing about tonight was that the diva's match was one of the first ones to be fought. That meant that after the match, I was done for the night. I could go home and spend my holiday with my diva's title belt, watching whatever was on TV and attempting to keep my spirits up.

Merry Grinchmas to me.


Of course, who won the match? The Total Diva's. Oh, freaking yay for them, another victory for the freaking total diva's.

I tried not to let it bother me too much. I mean, I'd had a fun time at commentary, I hadn't gotten beaten up, I hadn't needed to take any pills, and I could go home now!

I walked to the women's locker room and packed up my bags, again, making sure that my little secret compartment still hadn't been broken into. I zipped it closed as soon as all my stuff had been packed away, then walked out of the women's locker room, only to bump into someone trying to enter the doorway.

It was Kaitlyn, my ex best friend, who thank god was not a part of the Total Diva squad.

She refused to look at me. "AJ."

I returned the favor in the same cold tone. "Kaitlyn." That was all we said. I walked out of the locker room before I could opened my big mouth to say something stupid.

As I walked towards the exit to my car, I passed a lot of people that either I had effected or they had effected me.

Daniel Bryan. First love in the WWE. Cost him his World Heavyweight Championship. Broke my heart.

Dolph Ziggler. Latest love in WWE. Cost him his World Heavyweight Championship. Broke my heart.

Vickie Guerrero. Made my life miserable. Exposed my relationship with John Cena about a year ago. Still hates me.

As I walked passed them, I just looked down at my feet. It's weird. You sometimes just don't realize how different everything would have been if you hadn't done just one action. If you hadn't met one person. If you hadn't said one word.

Just then, I felt a hand grasp around my right arm. "Hey!" I yelled, looking down at my arm to see someone's hand, someone who had the word "Drug" tattooed across their knuckles.

I turned myself around to face CM Punk, who had a smirk smeared on his face. I glared at him.

"Hello AJ," he said. "Could I talk to you? Alone?"

I kept a glare on my face, but my heartbeat had sped up to an unhealthy rate. "Sure."

We walked into one of the empty backstage hallways, both of us staying silent the whole time. I looked over at him occasionally, but his eyes never looked over at me. That smirk still lay on his face, though.

I was nervous. He never pulled me aside to say nice things. What did he want?

Once we were as alone as possible, I leaned my back against the wall and lay my bag down right next to me. Punk crossed his arms and looked at me.

"What do you want that's so important?" I asked. Punk's smirk widened even more.

"Little Miss AJ, always acting so ruthless," he said. I turned my face away from him. "Always acting so much like an open book."

"I am," I exclaimed, turning my head back to him, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Do you not see me every night? Or hear me? Do I look like I hold back on the Bella's, or Natalya?"

"Yeah, I know you always say every little thought on your mind, AJ," Punk looked directly into my eyes. "Trust me, do you think I don't remember your hundreds of texts messages you sent me?" I hated when he brought this up. The little love triangle with me and him and Daniel Bryan.

"Yeah, but that's not now!" I said. "What do you doubt about me, Punk? What do you think is fake about me? What about me is a lie?" I knew what was a lie about me. Hopefully he didn't know.

"Um, let's see," Punk rubbed his chin in a clique way. "your 'headache' pills?"

My heart dropped and my face went into panic mode. "W-What are you talking about?"

CM Punk had an evil smile. He looked extremely pleased with my reaction. "Your pills? The ones you told me were for headaches?" He reached into his jacket pocket and grabbed something, wrapping his fingers around it and then held his closed hand out to me. "I found out what they really were."

Punk released the grasp on whatever was in his hand. I looked to see there, in his palm, was my missing pill.

I opened my mouth as if to cry, but no sound came out. I felt tears brimming in my eyes. "P-Punk please! Y-You can't-"

"I won't say anything," he said, "for now. But tell me why you have them." I vigorously shook my head as tears silently streamed down my face. "AJ-"

"No!" I cried. "No! Stop! Just go away!" I covered my eyes with my hands.

"Fine," Punk said. "But I will find out, AJ. There's only so many reasons someone would need Lamictal."

Hearing him say the name of the pills made me loose it. I let my back slide down the wall and I started sobbing. I hid my face in my knees.

I heard footsteps moving away. I looked up to see Punk a few feet away from me, his back to me but his head was turned around so he could see me. I could see a look of what almost looked like sympathy. "Just go away," I said almost in a whisper.

Punk turned around and walked away from me. I just continued to cry and sob. Someone knew my darkest secret, and if he wanted to, he could tear my whole world apart.


A/N: Again, very short chapter. I promise the chapters will get longer, I just need to get the story going first. Then everything will get more intense. :)

Ok, so that's all. For now.

-El ♥

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