Chapter 22- Lights

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AJ Lee's POV
Hours Later

"Punk, I'm sorry! She insisted!" Seth attempted to explain through the phone. I could hear yelling through the other line as Seth continued to try and reason with CM Punk. "What, do you think I'm trying to get her killed? I'm probably gonna get arrested I've run so many lights!" My hands came to cover my ears when Seth's voice rose in volume. He quickly noticed and lowered his tone. "Look, just meet us halfway. I'll hand her over to you and then you can decide what you wanna do, alright?" Angry mumbling came through and Seth told him where we were before hanging up and glancing over at me. "Well, congratulations, because of you Punk's probably gonna beat me bloody."

I sighed and snuggled into the Pierce the Veil shirt that I'd slipped on earlier. "Sorry."

Seth pushed his foot further to the gas. "It's fine. Sorry, it's late and I think I'm gonna go to jail for six thousand speeding tickets." I let out a small huffed laugh, barely auditable but enough so Seth could hear it. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth. "So here's what's gonna go down. Punk's gonna meet us at the Belmont Train Station. He's gonna take you back to his apartment or whatever and then you two can sort everything out. Sound good?"

I smiled. Finally seeing Punk again sounded wonderful. He was probably so mad at me right now, but it didn't matter. I was so close. So close to finally telling him what I'd been holding in for months. "Sounds great."

A grin curled at the corner of Seth's mouth. "Cool. Hopefully we'll be there soon."

As silence overtook the car, Seth maneuvered his way through the streets with ease. He trained in Chicago when he was younger, so I assumed he knew the basic ways around. I stared out the window, admiring the still glowing lights that illuminated the surroundings.

Chicago. Everything happened in Chicago, didn't it? I won my first diva's championship here. I found Punk and forced answers out of him here. I knocked myself out in a storage closet and nearly ruined my whole career here. I kissed Punk out on the top of a building here. And now, I was being driven into Punk's arms here.

It seemed like no matter what happened, all my roads led to Chicago.

As I let myself drown in my own thoughts, Seth reached over and grabbed my hand. "Don't sleep on me yet. We're almost there." I shot him a slight smile, squeezing his hand to reasure him that I was still awake.

We were almost there.

Not long after, Seth was shifting his car into park and getting out of the vehicle. He walked over to my side, opening the door and gently helping me out. My legs almost couldn't carry my body weight they were so numb. Seth, seeing me struggling, wrapped an arm around my waist and threw my arm over his shoulders before we began our walk to the Belmont Train Station.

The night wasn't cold, but it was windy. The breeze hit my skin hard, causing a shiver to travel through my body. Seth held me closer and pressed his fingers into my hip to secure me even tighter. Despite Seth's efforts, my feet were still heavy and my body still sluggish. The walk felt so much longer than it should have.

Once we were up the steps that led to the platform, Seth engulfed me in his arms completley to keep me upright. Seth insisted, saying that Punk would throw him onto the traintracks if I were to be brought to him dead. So I gave up on resisting and rested my head on his chest. Luckily for us, there wasn't really anyone present at the station, giving the fact that it was so late at night. But the wind still howled and a few trains could be heard chuckling in the distance. I focused on the warmth radiating off Seth's body.

"He'll be here soon," Seth reassured. "Don't worry." I nodded.

And then, no words were spoken. We just stayed there. Two unliked, misunderstood, selfish minds in society that were so used to loneliness that it had become their closest friend. And I could tell that both of us felt the same emotion at the same time. That emotion that told us it was nice not to be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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