Chapter 19- Return

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AJ Lee's POV

Money in the Bank

"I think that's all you'll need for the week," Punk said as he watched me tuck my knee high converse into the small suitcase. I looked up at him.

"Yeah, I won't be on the road much this week, most likely," I replied before zipping up my luggage.

Tomorrow would be the day. The day I finally stood back inside the ring after almost a two month absence. Punk had been training me for almost a month now regarding my Bipolar Disorder and we both felt I was strong enough to go back to the company. Of course, I wasn't super polished, I still snapped on certain occasions, but I was a lot better.

"You still sure you wanna go back?" Punk asked me for about the tenth time today.

"Yes," I said. "I'm ready, you'll see." I stood up and walked over to the bed to grab my jacket. I felt Punk's hand on my shoulder and he turned me around.

"Have you even thought about how you're gonna explain to the authority that you're making a little unannounced return tomorrow?" He asked.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," I said. I looked over at the digital clock on the bedside. "It's almost three, I gotta get going."

Punk sighed, running a hand over his face before pulling me into his arms. "Just, don't forget to come back. Ok?"

I simply stood stiff until I finally decided to return the embrace. "I won't. I promise." He let go of me and let a gentle smile lay on his lips.

"Then go get em," he said. I smirked and grabbed the handle on my suitcase.


The Next Day

Hartford, Connecticut

I'd been sitting in my car for almost two hours, too scared to actually attempt to walk backstage. I mean, yeah, I told CM Punk I had a plan. That didn't mean it was gonna work.

I had a time limit. I had to have everything set up and ready before Paige stepped foot in the ring. It was almost ten now, I knew I didn't exactly have a lot of time to spare, I had to get moving. Reluctantly, I got out of my car, pulling my hoodie down over my eyes, and made my way towards the back entrance. I really didn't need anyone seeing me.

Luckily, the backstage hallways were mostly clear except for a few random faces. I knew exactly where I was going, so I started speed walking down the corridors.

At every show, the authority blocked off a small section of locker and office rooms just for themselves, usually close to the ambulances in case anyone got hurt. Unless you had a legit reason to be back there, it was completely off limits to all other superstars and divas. I really hoped planning a secret return was a legit reason.

Once I was in the authority's corner of the backstage hallways, I examined all the names on the doors until I found the one I was looking for. I knocked on the wood until the door swung open.

"What-" the man in the doorway looked down at me confused. I removed my hood so he could see my face.

"AJ?" he asked. "What brings you around these parts?"

"Can I come in first?" I asked. He nodded and I stepped inside his locker room. He closed the door and leaned against the wall. "Seth, I need your help."

The two toned man rolled his eyes. "With what?"

I sighed at sat down on one of the benches. "I need someone to help me make a return tonight. Set up the tron and stuff. You're the only person really high up in authority who doesn't hate me yet."

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