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Naruko's pov:

" its really you sensei im surprised "

" my first impression of you guys that you are idiots " Said kakashi

" i...im so sorry sensei I didn't know im really sorry " Said naruto

" we are really sorry that idiot is the one who always do stupid things around " Said sakura 

" sakura i think he knows everything right now so you can shut up for a while "

" naruko " sasuke whispered 

" ok ok I get it ... argh I hate that girl "

" ok that's enough ... let us know each other so who will start? " Said kakashi

" you are the sensei so you start first " Said naruto

" hehe I agree with naruto "

" I agree with that loser " Said sasuke

" ok Alright then. I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate....I'm not really sure. My hobbies are...I don't feel like telling you that. My dream for the future. Hm, I never really thought of that " Said kakashi 

"Thats was pretty uselss, all he told us was his name." Sakura whispers

" Ok next naruko " Said kakashi

" ok then my name is Naruko Uzumaki I like being with my brother , sasuke , my friends , ramen and traveling I don't hate anyone and my dream for the future.....not really sure yet but its gonna be a big one! I know it "

"Hmm... Good. Next one. Blonde" Said kakashi

"Right! My names Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup and especially the ramen that Naruko makes for me sometimes. My hobby is comparing ramen and trying different types of ramen.But I hate the part when you have to wait for the ramen to cool down. And my dream is to be to greatest hokage! That way everyone will look up to me like I'm somebody!! " Said naruto

"Interesting...Next." Kakashi says. 

"I'm Sakura Haruno! What I like, I mean the person I like is" she says while blushing like crazy and glancing at Sasuke every other second" My hobby is......My dream for the future is.." and to top it off she squeeled. Pathetic. 

"And. What do you hate?" Kakashi asked. 

"Naruto and Naruko!" 

"Ahhhhh!" Naruto cries. 

"Well that wasn't obvious..." I murmured sarcastically. 

"Most girls her age are more into boys than into ninja training..." Kakashi sighed "Ok. Last one." 

"My name, is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate alot of things and I don't really like anything...but there are some people I don't mind." He say glancing towards me. I think I was blushing

" OK ... now for the training see you guys at the training grounds after an hour so later " kakashi then disappeared

" ok lets go and set there " 

" ill go with you naruko since its too boring to sit here in the class " Said sasuke

" ill go too naruko-chan " Said naruto

" sasuke-kun c..can I go with you " Said sakura while blushing 

" Hn " Said sasuke while ignoring her

After an hour

"Wheres Kakashi sensei?" Naruto asked

Kakashi Sensei than appears infront of us

"Hey guys" Said kakashi

"Your late!" everyone yells in unison...except for Sasuke

Well a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." he lies. Kakashi than puts a clock on one of the wooden posts "You have until noon to get one of these bells 

from me. If you can't get a bell from me by noon you go without passing and you will be back in the academy again 

Then naruto takes a kunai knife and charges at Kakashi sensei at full speed. But his moves are easily countered when Kakashi takes his kunai and points the tip of it to his neck.

"Don't be in such a rush. I didn't say start yet." he warns him "Ready....go!" We all than split up...except for Naruto who glares at Kakashi with anger.

" Ok me and you right no fair and square " Said naruto

" You cant take any bell from me like this so I will end this fast "

" Wh—what did you do .. argh let me go " Said naruto

Its clear that kakashi sensei tied naruto to the tree 

" and now ill leave you lets see the others" Said kakashi

" I wonder where he is .... "

" naruko ... " Someone whispered behind me

" who is it ?! " me while getting ready to fight

" calm down its me " Said sasuke

" you scared me here " 

" sorry .. so did you see that kakashi? " Sasuke asked

" not really I wondered where he is "

" Is someone looking for me ? " Said kakashi

" Get Ready kakashi-sensei " Sasuke and I said while charging at kakashi

" that was easy " 

" what th- " Said kakashi

" and that supposed to be hard kakashi sensei " Said sasuke

" it looks like you two have the talent to be great ninjas " Said kakshi

" so lets get back " Said kakashi

" Hai !! " me and sasuke were going behind kakashi for the place we started

It looks like me , sasuke and sakura who had the bells

And my brother didn't

" naruto ... " 

" don't worry sisy ill pass this somehow .. " Said naruto

" yeah i... I feel dizzy " 

Then I passed out

" NARUKO !!" Said sasuke

" NARUKO !!! what happened !! " Said naruto

" you two get back " Said kakashi

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