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"Stop screaming you stupid little monster !!" .....

"Who are you?! And what do you want from me?" Said Naruko

"What I want ha? I want your powers . *with an evil laugh*" .....

(Ok this week isn't the best week of my life, if Naruto and the others came here they will be in serious trouble what should I do?) In Naruko's Thought's 

"Thinking about a solution wont help you, now let's fight shall we?" ....

"I don't have any other choices so bring it on" Said Naruko

"As you like *evil grin* Dark style:Twin snakes mutual death technique!" ....

"What is this technique ..." Said Naruko

"Why your shaking little girl you didn't see anything yet" ....

"Who are you just tell me !!" Said Naruko

"Well you gonna die in all the cases so it wouldn't harm me .. I'm Orochimaru" Said Orochimaru

"When you said powers what did you mean?" Said Naruko

"Enough talking more fighting ... and now DIE !!" Said Orochimaru

"UGH!!" (I don't have any chakra, how the hell I'm going to fight him please someone help me !!!) Naruko's Thought's 

"Stop it right there!!" ...

"Temari .. guys what are you doing here?" Said Naruko

"Saving your butt that's what we're going to do" Said Kankuro 

"Are you ok Naruko?" Said Sasuke

"Yeah I'm .."

"So What are you doing here in the leaf village? And what do you want from Naruko?" Said Gaara 

"More brats ... Looks like you like hurting people no wander its your true nature after all" Said Orochimaru

"What? What do you mean?" Said Naruko

"Don't mind him Naruko .. just answer the question" Said Gaara

"Ok then what I want is killing you all so do you like the answer?" Said Orochimaru

"You have no chance its 7 against 1" Said Naruto

"Shut up you fool are you trying to make him madder?" Said Sakura

"No he's right .. so get ready to lose" Said Sasuke

"So much talk from the little famous uchiha ha" Said Orochimaru

"I got bored lets fight * Fan Smash*" Said Temari

"You should know that all your power together wont even scratch me" Said Orochimaru

"What?!" Said Naruto

"Naruko what's wrong?" Sakura Asked

"I'm fine just a little dizzy ..." Said Naruko

"Then go and sit over there we don't want you to get hurt here or this dobe will cry all day again" Said Sasuke

"No I can't let you fight this guy alone!" Said Naruko

"Go Naruko right now !!" Said Naruto


"No but Naruko" Said Kankuro

"Okay but be safe"

"Ok lets show him what can the sand village and leaf do" Said Gaara

"You brats are wasting my time do you know that? I have no time for your stupid games .." Said Orochimaru 

Mean While In Other Place In The Village....

"I want to remember that accident that the hokage was talking about" Said Kakashi

"And why you want to remember?" Said Gay 

"I don't know but I feel like Naruko is going to be in danger" Said Kakashi

"Well to be honest when ever I come near her I feel a strange power coming from her" Said Gay

"I get the same feeling but she had a very hard life even her brother" Said Kakashi

"Yeah the villagers were so mean I'm sure that the villagers didn't understand the fourth hogakes words" Said Gay

"Yes, they always think about themselves .. " Said Kakashi

"This is the human nature Kakashi you cant deny it" Said Gay

"Wait I'm receiving a call ...... We gotta move there's a fight in the village and my students in it" Said Kakashi

"We might know something if we went there come on" Said Gay

(No this cant happen ... This is all my fault...) Naruko's Thoughts 

"UGH!!" Temari

"I'm almost out of chakra" Said Sasuke while hardly taking his breath

"We attacked him with all of what we got but nothing !!" Said Naruto

"Is that even possible?" Said Temari

"GUYS!! Are you ok?" Said Gay

"What happen?" Said Kakashi

"What the hell that's more like it ... looks like her power will be out HAHAHAHAH" Said Orochimaru

"What is he talking about? Where is Naruko?!" Said Kakashi

"This is all my fault ..." Said Naruko 

"Naruko calm down" Said Kakashi

"I hate this ... its my fault ... why this is always happening to me ..." Said Naruko

"What is this?!"Said Kakashi


"What is this light chakra that's coming from her?"Said Gay

"And why her eyes are completely white and they are shining!"Said Sakura

"Finally her true color the real power .." Said Orochimaru

(Can this be what the guys were talking about? But no this isn't Naruko that I know .. what on earth is going on here!!) In Sasuke's

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