11- Collision

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Bonnie survived. She's not dead. Just how she managed to survive is beyond me. But she did it. Stefan had gotten Elena and I home after everything that had happened with Klaus, and the two of us were just a mess. I was blaming myself, not just because Klaus was after me that night, but because I could have potentially stopped him with the magic. Or I could have at least slowed him down enough for Damon or someone else to get Bonnie away from the school.

Everyone keeps telling me not to blame myself. But all I feel like a can do is exactly that. All I can think about is how I could have stopped Bonnie from 'dying', I could have stopped Klaus, or even if I couldn't stop Klaus, I could have gotten away and managed to get everyone out of school so that none of us were in danger.

To top off the incredibly dangerous situation were all in, now that Klaus has gotten away and he thinks that Bonnie's dead, Elena's gone missing. She decided that it would be a good idea to remove the dagger that had been previously wedged into Elijah's heart.

So now she's out with him, getting information from him. She refuses to let me go to wherever she is, and she doesn't want Stefan or Damon intervening either. So if Elijah is feeling particularly hungry, there's absolutely nothing stopping him from ripping into Elena and killing her.

"Damon, I think we should just respect that she doesn't want us there with her. I hate it just as much as you and Stefan, but seriously, she wants to do this, so we need to let her."

"Baby Gilbert, did it escape your mind that she's with Elijah? An original vampire?"

"Damon, did it escape your mind that I'm fifteen years old, not fifteen months old? I understand everything that's going on. And what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter whether you like any of this or not. You just need to suck it up and let her do what she thinks is best. She says Elijah is a noble man, so as long as she keeps up her end of the deal, he won't kill her. So just leave it alone."

Stefan walks in the room, where I'm sat on the couch with Damon stood before me, looking down at me protectively. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing," I say, "Damon's just being a condescending assbutt."

"Come on, is that even an insult?"

"It is now."

"Okay, seriously, Damon? The last thing we need right now is you being petty." Stefan turns to me, "I actually need to talk to you, Taylor. Jenna just called me. She said that you, Elena and Jeremy haven't been responding to her calls and she's back home now. She's supposed to be meeting Alaric at the grill."

"What? No, did you tell her to stay at home and keep away from him?" I ask, standing up with a panicked look on my face. This is not how I wanted things to turn out for Jenna. I get the horrible feeling that Jenna will end up finding out about all the vampires and magical juju that we deal with on a daily basis. And that isn't what she needs. To find out that we've all kept yet another thing hidden away from her.

"I did, I also told her that I'm going over there now to explain things to her. I said you're coming with me." Stefan explains.

"Good. Because there's no way I'm staying here. Are we telling her about everything?" I ask, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"Yeah. We should get going."

I nod, and Damon speaks up, "well, I'd tag along but, we wouldn't want me to do anything stupid."

Why does he get like this? It literally makes me want to punch him in the throat. "Really, Damon? You're gonna be like this right now?" Stefan asks, an irritated tone to his voice.

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