Crazy Massacre

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I caught up with the Rake while running through the forest. "Wanna bet?" "What?" "If I kill more children than you, then you need to buy me a month's supply of tamago sushis while going to the market yourself." If you win, then I'll do ANYTHINGG!!" I smiled. "Fine," he growled and leap into the bushes. I snickered and pulled out my daggers.

"Now, now..." I heard a voice. I climbed a tree and watched from above. There were two children: Stephanie and Beth. Stephanie was holding a kitchen knife, and Beth was holding a shovel. "You can't beat me wth the shovel, you know Beth." "We used to be friends, don't..." Beth whimpered shakily. 

"HELL NO?!" I hissed softly and ran to Slender's mansion. "Slender. You already have, like, 500 proxies. Why you have more?!?!" "We need to fight against Zalgo." "WHAT?!" I say, stuffing my daggers back in, checking my clock attached to my mad hatter hat. "He is going to choose his 5 proxies out of mine, and I will choose 5 of mine."

"Daammmnnnn....." I whispered. "Can I kill the children?" "You're my proxie. No." 

"I'm not your proxie. I'm not immortal." I say sassily. He sighs. "Just kill 4." "No. 7." 

"No. 4." I took out my dagger. Slender snatched my arm, holding it tightly. "Ok, 7. THAT'S. IT." Slender growled.

I take the dagger back in. "I wuv you Slendy~" I hug him and his tentacles and run to the woods.

I killed 7 children; including Stephanie and Beth. I stretched, ignoring the blood dripping from my clothes. 

Running toward a log, I sit down.

I think about my past. "Who killed my parents?!?!?" *crunching noises* I turn around, face to face with Nathan the Nobody. I blush, and turn away.

"Are you the new proxie?" he asks softly, sitting next to me on the log. "I'm not exactly a proxie; I'm just his helper."

"Oh." he says, and turns to look at the sky. "Why are you so lonely looking?" he asks, leaning towards me. I sigh sadly. 

"I never figured out who killed my parents. I'm just a sadistic sociopath." I say softly, locking my soft chocolate brown eyes with his green and blue ones.

He said nothing, just stared at me. After a while, he smiled. "You're pretty." I blush harder than before. "Thank you." I say quietly.

"You'" I mumble quietly. "What~? I couldn't hear you~" he teases. I lightly punch his arm. "Ow~~~~"

"Don't you stay at the mansion?" I ask him. "Sometimes. Rarely. I migrate a lot." he says bluntly. "Lol yourfaceisadorable." "What?" "Never mind......"

He grabs onto my hand and giggles like a girl. I giggle too, and we head toward the mansion.

"Nathan!! Long time no seen~!!" Slender and Jeff says. "Hi." Nathan says uneasily. "C'mon, let's play together~" Jeff cooes sarcastically.

"Jeff." "What?" "You never change." Jeff laughs maniacally and slaps him on the back. "OMFG that was the most funniest thing I've ever heard!!" 

"Heh." I laugh nervously. Jeff glares at me. "Fuck," I mutter. "I'll be outside." Just then, I bumped into Jane. "Watch where you're going!!" she snarled, slicing me a little on the hand with her knife.

I snapped. Blue fire appeared in my eye. I smiled psychopathically. "Shit!!" Jeff growled. "What's happening!!" Nathan exclaimed.

I sighed, and slammed the door to the mansion. "I can't control my anger." I said aloud to myself. Someone hit the back of my head, and I blacked out.


"Ughh......" I moaned and shook the pain away from my head. "Where am I?" I asked myself to no one in particular. "Hello, sweetie...." someone/something growled behind me.

I opened  my mouth to scream, but not sound came out. "Good child," he smirked. "This is hell. You are going to be my proxie." It was Zalgo.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THIS FUCKING HELL PLACE AND BE YO' PROXIE!!" I screamed at him, fire burning in my eye. "Too bad. I shattered all your daggers." "I have infinite." I laugh evilly.

"Now now, that's not how a child should behave. I was tied up in chains on the ground. I rolled around like a California roll. 

"Aww<3.... is the little hatter showing affection?" Zalgo laughed evilly. "Shut up." I snapped. My hatchet and katana were still on my back. 

"Well, I'll let you live." Zalgo said. "Really??" I asked hopefully. "On one condition." "What?" I asked curiously. "You will be my proxie, and you will do what I ask you to do." 

"NO!!!" I yelled. Zalgo disappeared, then returned head-locking Jeff. "LET ME GO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" Jeff screamed, trying to stab Zalgo with his kitchen knife.

"You will have 5 seconds to choose. Or I will kill Slender and ALL his proxies," he murmured, emphasizing the word "all". "I......" I started. "NO HATTER PLEASE!!!" Jeff cried, still wriggling in Zalgo's grasp. "5....4...3..2.." Zalgo said in a mocking sing-song voice.

"Sorry Jeff...." I said smiling, holding back tears. "NO!! HANG IN THERRE!!" he screamed last, after disappearing with Zalgo. Zalgo appeared again, this time without Jeff. "Wise choice...." Zalgo laughed evilly.

"He's gone~!!" Zalgo said happily. I snarled. "YOU SHOULD BE GLAD I SAVED YOU INSTEAD OF KILLING YOU" Zalgo boomed. 

I cried because of what I've done to Jeff. I've let him down. Zalgo lets go of the chains. I look at him with my large, chocolate brown eyes.

"You remind me of someone special." Zalgo speaks, his eyes showing a bit of sadness and regret. I look at him in pity. "Can I play around?" I ask cautiously.

"DISOBEY ME AND YOU WILL BE BACK IN CHAINS" he snarled loudly. "Ok, ok....." I sighed. "Go and do what you want. Be back by 6:00 for dinner." Zalgo commanded. "How do I go back?" "Close your eyes and think about it."

"Ok." I said. I immediately got transported to the sidewalk of the original world. I decided to go on a massacre. 


Creepypasta POV

".....And there has been news that 23 people have been killed here, just right in this spot. The killer had a hat with a clock, with fancy clothes. She has a hatchet, katana, and unknown powers. Beware!!" The news reporter said.

"Isn't that someone we knew?" Masky asked. "'s Hatter." Hoodie said. "IT'S HATTER!?!?!?" BEN yelled, squishing his burrito. "She's caught by Zalgo," Jeff said nervously. "WHAT?!" Slenderman shouted. 

Slenderman sighed irritatedly. He called all the "main" proxies: BRVR, Jeffy-kun, Sonnikku, BEN drowned, Toby, Hoodie, Masky, Eyeless Jack, and Laughing Jack.

Nathan was taking a break from proxie work.

"So what's the plan?" Toby asked, his mouth full of waffles. 

"We're going to go visit Zalgo and ask for her." Slender said calmly.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! HE'S NOT GOING TO OBVIOUSL----" Jeff shouted. BEN put his hand on Jeff's mouth. "Shut the fuck up for a minute, will ya? Ima tryin ta listen to the plan that will save my princess."

"She's not yours." Sonic.exe said crossly crossing his arms across his chest. "True." EJ said nodding.

"BOYS!!! THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO ARGUE!!" Slender yelled. "Ok, ok...." all the boys muttered.

"The plan's not going to work." Jeff growled, rolling his eyes.

Slenderman gave the boys an invisible grin.


"Trust me children, it's going to work. I promise."

A Life Drowned In Insanity (creepypasta X Assassin! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now