Iggy x Reader: Night Flight

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A/N: You and Iggy have been dating for a while


I was in the kitchen with Iggy cooking diner since no one else knew how to cook. Max tried to cook once and almost burnt the house down. Iggy and I finished and I called everyone down. Iggy sat on my left, next to me, and everyone else found their seats.

"Oh my god! this is so good!" Gazzy said with a stuffed mouth and everyone else enthusiastically nodded their head.

"Thanks", Iggy and I said. Once we finished eating, everyone did their own thing. Nudge was looking at fashion magazines, Angel went to her room, Gazzy was making a bomb, Max and Fang were who knows where, and Iggy and I were on the sofa cuddling with each other. "Can I touch your face?" Iggy asks.

"Sure" I say and I let Iggy's soft hands gently roam my face. His hands touch my forehead and grazed my cheeks. "You're beautiful (y/n)" Iggy says softly. I blush at his comment, "Aww babe you're blushing!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! I can feel your cheeks heating up" Iggy says and kisses my forehead. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck and laid on him. "Hey (y/n)?", I hum in response. "You wanna go flying for a bit?" Iggy asks.

"But it's dark out".

"It's always dark" Iggy says.

"I see what you did there" I said. Iggy chuckles and sits up, "Come on (y/n), let's go".

"Alright, let's go" I say and grab Iggy's hand and walked out side. I sprung out my wings and shot up towards the stars with Iggy following behind. The moon gave me enough light to see where I'm going.  Iggy flies close to me and we fly for a couple of minutes. "(y/n)!" Iggy yells, I look under me and see Iggy flying close with his hands reaching for my face and we kissed. "I love you" Iggy says "I love you too" I say. Our foreheads touched and we enjoyed the night together.


I know this is really short, but this is my first story. I will post soon!


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