Max x Reader: Just a Dream

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Italics are the person's dream

(y/n) = your name
A.N: gender neutral pronouns used


My feet hurt from running, but I can't stop. The Erasers are on my tail. I look to my right and (y/n) is right by me trying to keep up, but they're getting tired. I grab (y/n)'s hand, half dragging them, so they could keep up. All I can hear now is my heart beating and our panting.

"We're gonna make it! It's going to be okay!" I yell trying to reassure (y/n) and myself.  I hear (y/n) scream behind me and they let go of my hand. I look behind me and Ari throws (y/n) against a tree next to him.

"(Y/N!)", I yell and try to run to them, but Ari swings me back.

"Nowhere to run", He says with a disgusting grin on his face.

I try to fight back but my hits are having no affect on him. Ari picks me up and pins me up against a tree with his fingers snaked around my neck. Is this the end? As I struggled against his grip on my throat, a foot kicks Ari in the face and he lets go. I fall on my knees and gasp for air. I look up and (y/n) is flying around Ari, swooping down and trying to hit him again. I try getting up and make my way to help (y/n). Ari grabs (y/n) and snaps one of their wings and they screams in pain. He throws them to the ground and my blood starts to boil in anger. I spread my wings and charged at Ari. He falls backwards and hits his head. He's out, this will buy us some time. I run to (y/n) and kneel down.

"(Y/n), you ok?"

"My wing..." (y/n) whimpers in pain. I take a look at their wing and see it bent in an awkward way.

"Can you stand?"

"I think so"

(y/n) struggles to get up so I help them up. "What are we gonna do Max? I can't fly", I look at (y/n) and the look of fear on their face makes my heart break.

"I'm not leaving you! We're gonna get out of here together!", I try to say confidently. And if this couldn't get any worse I start to here gunshots. Shit, I thought. I start to run, dragging (y/n) while bullets are flying past us. I scream as I feel a painful sting on my leg and I stumble a little.


"Just keep going!" I yell. And then everything goes silent. What's going on?

"Max...", I hear (y/n) behind me. I turn around and my heart sinks to my stomach. (Y/n) has blood oozing from her side. Tears start to sting my eyes and I run to their side. I catch (y/n) before they collapse and set them down.

"No... No, no, no! NO!" I scream. "Please don't leave me!" I sob and tears start to rain on their face.



(Y/n) POV

I wake up to the sound of someone crying. It's max. Is she having a nightmare? I shake her softly to wake her up and jolts up with tears running down her cheeks and breathing heavily. "Max are you ok? What's wrong?" I asked as I cupped her cheeks.

"You're ok!" she says, sounding relief, "You're ok... Just a dream". I could tell by the look of her face that she had a really bad nightmare. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"It's ok, I'm here", I whispered softly. I wrapped a blanket over us and we held each other.

"(Y/n)..." I hear max say and I hum in response.

"I love you", I give her a warm smile.

"I love you too", I give her a sweet kiss on the lips. We stayed in each others arms until the sun's warmth kissed our skins through the window.


Hope you like it!

I don't own maximum ride

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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