Well I now learn what I can do from chapters 12 and 13

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Someone jumped on top of me and woke me up from my dream.I opened my eyes and stared into Shadow's purple eyes."What time is it?",I asked."Two o'clock",Shadow answered.I groaned and sat up."Maybe I'll take Emily's advice and spank you." "Telly do you ever dream of the world ending?",Shadow asked."No.Why?",I asked."I sometimes do at night.I used to tell daddy until he just ignored me." A tear fell on my cheek.Was Shadow crying?"Shadow if you have that dream again tell me.I'll tell Kyle and make Shade listen to you",I said."T-thank you",Shadow responded.She hugged me and I smiled."Can I sleep with you?" "Sure kid."
6 hours later
I woke up again and yawned.The kids were gone,probably in the school right now,and the tv was on.I turned it off and got up.Time to start the day.I put on a purple shirt with black sleeves and jeans and then stepped onto the deck of the Bounty."So your ready to begin your learning violent dragon energy?",Sensei Wu asked.God why does he do that?"Yes",I answered."Good.Follow Kyle and I to my meditation room." I followed them.Kyle put down a purple mat and sat down.Sensei Wu sat down with a cup of tea and I sat down."Now yesterday I said we would see if you can use violent dragon energy.Try summoning a shadow minion,but instead of calling him try thinking of him as a dragon",Sensei Wu said.I did this and the shadow ninja appeared with purple wings and fire surrounding it."Cool",I said."Now summon a ball of shadows in your hand." I did."Make the energy from it surround your hand",Sensei Wu instructed.I tried and the purple light from the shadow ball went around my hand as the ball disappeared.My hand became surrounded with purple flames.I put the flames out."Is that violent dragon energy?",I asked."That is semi-violent dragon energy.To master its full form you must master your violent state",Kyle answered.He then stood up and pulled out his sword.He went into his zen mode and took a fighting stance."Attack me.If you become angry hold on to your pendant until it glows purple",He commanded.I nodded and summoned my bo staff.I ran toward Kyle and swung my bo staff.He dodged and slashed at me.I blocked with my bo staff and did a spin kick.He ducked and tripped me.He pointed his sword at my heart."You are defeated.Now try again but use your powers",Kyle said.He helped me to my feet and handed me my bo staff.He went to swing at me and I dodged and summoned a shadow viper.The snake spit poison at Kyle and disappeared.Kyle dodged the poison and disappeared.He reappeared and swung at me.I dodged and shot a shadow beam at him.He dodged and spun into spinjitzu.I did the same and we ran into each other.We were both flung across the room.I immediately got up and teleported to a shadow behind him.I kicked him and pointed my bo staff at his heart."Excellent",Sensei Wu said."Now try sending some of your shadow energy into your bo staff." I did this and my bo staff became surrounded with purple flames.The flames became a point at the ends of the bo staff.Kyle got off the ground and went out of his zen mode."You are mastering this well",He complemented."Well I do grasp things easily",I replied as the flames died."We are done here today.Tomorrow we see if you can enter your violent state",Sensei Wu said."That won't mean that you master your violent state though",Kyle added."Sensei you said I would see things when I enter this state.What kind of things will I see?",I asked."You will be able to see the souls of everyone,invisible people,and words that replace words and hidden words",Sensei Wu answered."That sounds awesome!Lets do this!",I said excited.Kyle smiled.

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