Let me share my experience coming to terms with my gay. I use she/her pronouns and I identify as bi. Let me share my story with you. In fact, the story is still being told.
I'd like to share a poem of sorts with you all. I wrote this in eighth grade, and then in ninth the first girl who's lips have made contact with mine came to my birthday party and handed me this. What I hadn't known until after she left thirty minutes in, and a summer later, was that she came to my birthday party the day she was going to a recovery center for an eating disorder. The more you know, huh?
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I'll write it down here because I know that's a little hard to read:
Something burst from the spring of creativity and ruined the sidewalk of conservatism. At that moment, the highway of devastation became a scenic route, and reconstruction diverted the traffic westward, towards the forest of secrets and yet-to-comes...