Chapter 9 - Making Friends

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From a distance, Ciel could already sense that something was wrong. It was probably because he was watching Theo and the twins storm towards their direction, a furious glare apparent on Theo's face as he seemed to take each stride with purpose. One particular purpose stood out in Ciel's mind: Today, Theo was determined to kill him.

Ciel shrank into himself slightly, portraying a submissive stance to show Theo that he was not going to challenge him. Beside him, Nathaniel pulled on his shirt as he cleared his throat uneasily. Ciel flashed a nervous look at him before the two of them took off in a jog in Theo's direction. It was probably better for them to go to Theo instead of having him come to them.

Len looked stiff as the approached them, but Kai had a mischievous smile on his face, waving at Ciel as he neared them. Before Ciel could ask Theo what the matter was, the Alpha Successor hissed into his face as he took two huge steps towards Ciel to close in on him, "Where the hell have you been?" He demanded, his jaws clenched as were his fists.

"Hello, Ciel!" Kai piped up from behind Theo in a cheery voice.

Ciel could barely glance at Kai to acknowledge him before Theo growled at him, making him look back at the Successor. He stared at Theo's angry posture, taking half a step back out of caution.

Nathaniel answered from beside him, "Out on a run. What's wrong?" He eyed Theo's posture warily, his guard was up as though he was prepared to fight someone. He had sensed that Theo was anxious, but Kai's cheerful self was putting him off. With the way Theo acted, it seemed like something bad or important had happened, but Kai was sending him mixed signals and he couldn't decide which he should heed.

Theo stared at Ciel as though he could bore a hole into his face, refusing to look at Nathaniel when he spoke, "I wasn't asking you, Nathaniel. Were you guys together?" He asked, taking a step towards Ciel, who took another step back instinctively.

They seemed to do this a lot. Ciel hated that he always had to back down from Theo every time he was in a bad mood. But some distance between him and Theo was the only thing he had in mind right now. If he could, he'd rather keep an arm's length, but he didn't want to move too much in case that angered Theo even more.

"Yeah. We went on a run together." Nathaniel answered cheerfully, having enjoyed the morning spent with Ciel. He could sense from his bond with Theo that his anger was not severe anymore, it was frankly that bubbling with frustration.

Theo growled at Nathaniel's response as he levelled his gaze with Ciel, "You are late for breakfast." He stated as he searched Ciel's face.

Ciel blinked frantically, resisting the urge to take another step back, "I..." Ciel glanced at Nathaniel before looking at Theo sheepishly, "Lost track of time."

"You were always good at keeping time. What were you guys doing?" Theo asked accusingly as he watched Ciel look at Nathaniel for a brief moment, the action fuelling his anger as he let out another growl, "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"We were just chatting, Theo. Come on, don't interrogate us. What happened anyway? You look as though you were in a rush." Nathaniel said, stepping up towards Theo and Ciel, but careful to make sure he didn't stand between them. He had grown up with Theo all his life, he knew the quirks that Theo had. He had an idea why Theo was acting the way he was right now.

Theo huffed, folding his arms as he regarded the two of them critically, "It was just strange to see him miss breakfast is all."

"I didn't miss it. I still have some time." Ciel explained as he glanced at the watch on his wrist. Some people were still sleeping at this time. He still had two more hours before breakfast was officially over.

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