Chapter 13 - Sorry Might Just Cut It

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He let his legs dangle off the bed as he stared on the floors of the medical room. The floor seemed to sparkle as his body shifted with the momentum. He ignored the stinging pain on his calves as he let it bounce against the bed frame. It didn't really hurt that bad any more. His wounds were already scabbing over, he didn't need treatment. He just wanted to go back to his room, shower and lock himself in there while he hibernated. He didn't need treatment. He didn't need their care or concern. He didn't need anything. Not from them.

The shuffling sound of the footsteps nearing him made him sigh tiredly as a pair of feet walked into view. He kept his head down as the strong scent of antiseptic and alcohol hit him. He hated hospitals, clinics, doctors, he hated the feeling of being examined.

He had been subjected to that enough as a child. It all started when he was bouncing around different human foster parents. At first, they were only concerned for his physical health. As he grew and found his inner wolf's existence, they slowly started checking on his psychological health. The humans didn't understand that it was normal for him to learn to embrace his wolf side. They chose instead to understand it the way they could. They sent him to psychologists and psychiatrists. Even though Ciel had been very young then, he remembered how uncomfortable he had felt.

When Sam adopted him and brought him to live with the tribe, he was not spared from any of the examinations and tests either. They were then concerned that he might be stunted in his growth as a werewolf from having to suppress his wolf form when he lived with humans. Year after year, he was checked to see why he didn't grow as fast as his werewolf peers. They were simply concerned for him, Ciel understood that, but it didn't make the process less painful or irksome.

Perhaps he should have gotten used to it by now, after all these years of poking and prodding and questions after questions, but he really was not. In face, he probably would have hated it less if he didn't have to go through it so much.

The doctor leaned against the frame of the bed he was sitting on, "Alright, Ciel Smith. I need you to take off your clothes and change to these so I can access your wounds properly." The doctor's voice was firm, yet gentle as he placed a set of loose fitted hospital gown by Ciel's side, his eyes reading off the chart in his hands.

Ciel eyed the fabric before glancing up at the doctor, noticing from the corner of his eye that Theo was putting on his shirt after getting his own wound treated, "I'm fine. I don't need treatment." He whispered, ignoring the look that Theo shot at him. 

He made a move to jump off the bed, but the doctor was quick to catch his shoulders, dragging him back onto the bed, "Do you have a doctor's license, Ciel?" He asked, folding his arms as he looked at Ciel expectantly.

Ciel could see Theo sniggering behind the doctor. He sighed, shaking his head. This doctor had a tone to him that indicated that he was not going to entertain Ciel's reluctance. Ciel sighed even louder. Perhaps they could do this quickly and get over and done with it.

"I do." The doctor said, placing his fingers under Ciel's chin, lifting it so that he could examine his face and neck for any serious wounds, "Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Theo would advise you against taking the hard way around here, I assure you."

Theo cleared his throat uneasily as he cringed, "Just do as the doctor says, Ciel."

Ciel let our a breath as he pushed himself off the bed, unzipping his protective jacket as he pulled it it off. He eyed the slashes in his jacket. Not so protective after all, "They'll heal anyway." He grumbled as he reached to his gun holster on his waist to unbuckle it.

The doctor watched him with a raised brow, "After I'm done with you."

Ciel placed the holster with his gun on the bed on top of his jacket. He reached down to untie his shoes, wincing as his back stung painfully. He hissed as his back muscles spasmed and the doctor's arm immediately went to his armpits, righting him.

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