A Sudden Blow

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The bus halted near the stop and I got down. I tried calling Tina again. No use. My mind started panicking. I had to keep telling myself that everything would be okay but I was full of negative thoughts. I hurried towards my home, hoping to see Tina there, ready to greet me. I tried calling Austin but he did not pick the call. I walked down the driveway and looked at the swing set in the garden. This was where me and my family had spent our evenings. It was such a beautiful place, full of memories. When my parents died, my Aunt and her family moved here. I haven't enjoyed the evenings on the swing ever since. I smiled weekly and knocked on the door. Brielle opened the door and smirked at me. She was wearing a beautiful silk gown. 

"Is Tina home?" I asked, sounding worried.

She stopped smirking and said, "She isn't home since midnight. Must be hogging in that awful club for an extra pay." she chuckled.

"Don't you dare-" I started, before she cut me off.

"Aha! I wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't want to ruin your weekend, do you?"

I quickly walked away from her and to my room. I spent the rest of my day there before I heard the cop cars' siren. Someone knocked the door. I ran to the main door to attend the cops. 

"Hello, Ma'am. I'm Inspector Scott. Could I have a word with Mrs. Jones?", the cop asked

"Sure. Please have a seat." I chirped and went to fetch my aunt.

I followed her to the living room and stood behind her. I was curious to know why the cops are here. My aunt shot me a look and snapped, "We'd like some privacy, if you please, girl!" 

"Uh.. sorry Ma'am..." My voice trailed off and went to the dining hall and closed the door behind me. I saw from the corner of my eye that Brielle was smirking. I ignored her. I could still make out voices from the living room. I pressed my ear to the door and strained them to hear. Brielle had left the room.

"Uh.. I don't know how to bring this to you but, we found your niece dead. Her head was chopped off and disposed on the pavement. Her body is not yet found."

There was a dead silence. The words of the inspector kept ringing in my ears. My vision went black as I took the words in. 

"What?! That's absurd! You must have got the wrong girl! My niece is at work now!" There was worry in her tone. She cared. 

"I'm really sorry but Kristina Steuben was found dead. We'd like you to complete the formalities." 

My aunt fell silent. Tears ran down my cheeks and horrible thoughts filled my mind. I slapped a hand to my mouth to stop crying loud.

"Fine." My aunt muttered. 

All the voices seemed distinct and I continued to sob into my hands. I heard my aunt leave and started crying hard. She was the last of my family. This must be a bad dream. This can't be true, I told myself. I ran up to my bed and cried my heart out. I wanted to see my sister! How could she just die? Who did this to her? I fell asleep unknowingly. I woke up at 7 in the morning. No one was home except Brielle. She just gave me a sad look and shook her head. I tried calling Austin but his mobile was switched off. Where was he when I needed him the most?  He must have seen the news. He always loves to be updated. Why is his phone off?

I turned on the T.V. and saw Tina's chopped head's blurred photos and news headlines scrolling along. Most of them read, "Girl Dies Mysteriously" I crouched on the sofa and hugged my knees and sobbed harder. I wiped the tears off my face when I heard the doorbell ring. I tried to hide my tears when I opened the door. Ryan was standing at the doorstep looking upset.

"Emira, I'm really sorry about this. Really really sorry. But I need to talk to you"

I just nodded my head, not wanting to speak and burst into tears. I wiped my face again and let Ryan come inside. He sat beside me and took my hand in his. I tried to pull it away but his grip was too firm. 

"Emira! Listen!" His voice sounded stern. I abandoned the attempt of freeing my hand.

"I know who did this. Austin." I felt my body stiffen.

I don't know what came over me but I slapped him on the cheek.


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