Chapter Fourteen

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Draco's POV

I went to the Slytherin table and sat down with Pansy and Blaise. "How are you doing in your task?" I shrugged and piled some food on my plate. "Well thanks to Weaselbee, I got the chance to speed things along. She wants to make sure he can't do anything and her idea to prevent that is to move the date up. We'll be married in three weeks." Pansy looked over at her, then back at me smirking. "Well, then it was a good thing he opened his blood traitor mouth isn't it?" I nodded, "There's only one thing. She-weasel is going to be one bridesmaid and since she's helping Hermione plan the wedding, her idea is to have you and Astoria as the other two bridesmaids." 

"Do we have to?" I looked at her, "It would make the plan go along a lot more smoother if you did." She sighed, "All right, but only because my parents want to see His plan go well." I glanced over at Hermione then went back to eating. "Good, don't be too friendly she'll get suspicious." She nodded, "When should I approach her?" 

"Tomorrow. We need to make sure this goes according to plan." Blaise looked over at me, "I got word to your father on your progress and he sent a letter back. The Dark Lord had him spell it so that no-one but you could read it." I nodded as he passed the letter over to me. "I was told that your mother sent something to help you win her over as well." I nodded and put it in my pocket to read later. 

"I'll write him a new update if you can get it to him." He took a bit of his food and drank some water, "Sure thing. I have a way to make sure the letter can't be intercepted." I looked up and saw Weasel glaring at Hermione from a few seats down at the Gryffindor table. I felt someone watching me and when I looked around to see who it was, I saw the weird Ravenclaw looking at me. She smiled and then looked at Hermione and then to me again. I frowned a bit, wondering what she was doing. She looked down and went back to eating like nothing happened. 

After dinner was done, I went back to Hermione and my room and as soon as she was in the shower, I opened the letter. 


              Our Lord wished me to inform you that he is pleased of your progress. He wants you to speed up as much as possible. We need her bonded to you and carrying a Malfoy as soon as possible. Your mother sent along a ring that once spelled, can track her movements. It will help us to be able to find her and Potter if they get away. He wants continued updates, do not disappoint.

                                                                                                                                      L. Malfoy

I opened the small pouch that was enclosed in the envelope. I looked at the ring and there was a spell attached to it. Should I spell this? Will I even need to or will she not even make it through the war? I heard the shower turn off so I went and put the letter in the fire. 

Hermione came out of the bathroom, head wrapped in a towel. "Hey, were you able to talk to Parkinson?" I nodded, "Yeah, she was reluctant but she'll do it for the family. Her mom and my mom are friends so she doesn't want to disappoint either of them." She nodded and unwrapped her hair, rubbed the last bit of water out and cast a drying charm. 

"Hey. I have something for you." She looked over and I motioned her to sit. Once she was sitting next to me, I handed her the ring. "Since we're engaged, you should have a ring." She took it and smiled, "Thanks. It's beautiful."

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