Chapter Eight

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Hermiones' POV

I heard a light knocking which woke me up; for a second I thought the marriage law had been just a dream until I looked around the room and remembered where I was. The door opened and Malfoy was standing there. "What do you want Malfoy?" I couldn't keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"I just wanted to let you know that it was time for dinner. I figured you'd be hungry and would hate to miss dinner." He seemed almost sincere, but that couldn't be right, Malfoy doesn't do sincere. His polite voice made me second think but I shook the thought away. "Whatever Malfoy." I got up and walked out of the room, heading to the Great Hall to meet up with Harry, Ron, Fred, and George. I could only see Fred and George upon entering the Great Hall, so I went over and sat down. "Down about the law?" I looked over at Fred and nodded, "Yep, the Ministry can go sod off for all I care. This is ridiculous; they're practically turning us into breeding stock."

George nodded, "Yeah, we just have to try and make the most of it though. There's no way this law will stay in effect; people won't stand this law for very long." I nodded, suddenly hopeful and trying to not be pessimistic, "Yeah, they can't expect people to not speak out against it."

"Speak out against what?" I looked over my shoulder at Harry and Ron, "This law. George was just saying that he doubts this law will be permanent, not with the amount of people who won't appreciate being forced into marriage." Ron shrugged and started loading his plate up with food. "Why does it matter if it doesn't get repealed? We should be glad that we don't have to worry about this later. You should be grateful of the law. How else would you get a husband if someone wasn't forced to marry you? You can't exactly date your books."

My face drained of all color and then rushed back in red, "How dare you? Just because I wouldn't choose you over Viktor last year, you have to be an arsehole? The only reason you're happy about this law is because you got someone who'll sleep with you and follow you around like a lap dog."

He glared at me, "At least I always choose the right side. You're going to marry the enemy. Malfoy should be happy with you, he's marrying someone who's as much of a bitch as he is." The hall went quiet.

"Mr. Weasley! Fifty points from Gryffindor for that foul language." McGonagall had stood up and was glaring down at Ron like a vulture to its prey. I stood up and ran out of the Great Hall, heading towards my room, crying.

Malfoys' POV

I got into the Great Hall and sat down with Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Astoria. "What did your parents say about the match?" I sighed, "They said He had arranged my match. She is one of Potters weaknesses and he wants me to get information out of her about Harry and Weaselbee. In order to do that, he wants me to pretend to her that I care about her and get closer with her." Astoria nodded, "It's a good plan, but it will take a lot of nice gestures to get her to open up to you."

I groaned, "I have no idea how to be nice to her. Do you have any ideas?" She thought for a moment, "Just small gestures; standing up for her to Slytherins, Give her presents every once in a while. That can be anything from a rose to jewelry. Ask her questions get to know her, just use your brain nitwit. You'll think of something."

I nodded and we changed the topic to quiditch. After a minute I heard Weaselbee raise his voice. "You're going to marry the enemy. Malfoy should be happy with you, he's marrying someone who's as much of a bitch as him."

The whole room went silent and as McGonagall yelled at him; my eyes glanced over to Granger. I could see the hurt, confusion, and shock on her face as tears started going down her face. She got up and ran out of the hall, leaving a table full of pissed Gryfindors to yell at Weaselbee.

"If you want to start convincing her, this might be the perfect opportunity. Go find her and comfort her or something." I nodded and stood up, leaving the Great Hall, noticing quite a few people staring as I left.

As soon as I got into our rooms, I heard her crying in the bedroom. I took a deep breath and braced myself for what I had to do. I opened the door and went in; she was lying on the bed crying into the pillow.

"Are you ok?" She looked over at me and scoffed, "What do you care Malfoy?" I choked back an insult and shrugged, "look just because we're being forced to get married doesn't mean we can't try to be civil with each other." She looked at me skeptically but then shrugged, "I guess so, and it might make this a little easier."

I smirked inside; This might be easier than I thought. "Ok, how about I go and get some food from the kitchens and we can talk and get to know each other a bit?" She nodded lightly, "Sure." I smiled and got up, "Ok, I'll be back in a little bit." I left the rooms and headed toward the kitchens to get some food.

A/N; Here's another update just because I'm in a good mood. I don't have to go into work tomorrow so I can finally relax and do absolutely nothing. Please continue to read, comment and vote. I love hearing your thoughts on my fanfic.

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