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She really felt bad. She really do. She wanted to do something but her body doesn't want to. She felt sorry for what she did. Although she wanted to comfort Key but like what Taemin told her, comforting is not Key's cup of tea.

"Taemin!" She whispered.

"Yes?" He respond.

She went and hug him tightly like she haven't seen him for a decade. "Ow! Gweanchanha? Are you still worried about Key-Hyung?"

"Well, I do but the reason why I hug you is because.... I miss you so much! Though we didn't see each other for the whole day only" She said not letting him go.

He felt the same way. He wanted to hug her back tightly but once he'll do it, he knows that he will cross the line. He knows himself very well, he knows what's his limits.

But sometimes when he cannot control the pleasure that he's feeling, nobody can stop him. Ji Hwa let him go and smiled at him.

"Can I request something?" She asked.

"Sure! I'll listen to whatever it is" he replied.

"Can I at least talk to Key? I just wanted to say my sorry" She said.

"But didn't I told you already that he doesn't like people comforting him"

"It doesn't matter rather than I won't do anything" she said.

"Hmm.... I'll think about it,nae? Love you"

"I love you more" she gave him a kiss before leaving him.

Then, she saw Onew on the door. His face turned gloomy. He didn't say anything but instead he step outside the room.

"I knew that this would happen. Onew-hyung wait!" Taemin left Ji Hwa in his room.

She doesn't have any idea of what is happening. She has a clue but she's unsure about it.

Meanwhile, Taemin knocked on the door vigorously. He doesn't care if the neighborhood might hear him. "Onew hyung!" He shouted. He got startled when he saw Ji Hwa was standing behind him, with her not so happy face. Then it hit her, she know what was happening. At that moment she regretted everything, she wished that she didn't exist in their eyes. All that was happening, the pain, the love, everything, she can feel it.

If only she knew that this would happen, she could have at least run away from her faith on meeting them. If only she knew that this would happen, she shouldn't have crossed the line.

What is she even doing? She's just a maid. Her only task is to do all the household chores and help the boys. All of these thoughts circles around her head. What is happening right now is apparently languishing in her heart and mind.

She didn't think twice before doing the action. She should have at least know if she's going to hurt someone's feeling.

She knows that the door was open, so she open it (A/N: how come Taemin didn't open it?.... That's what you called magic XD kidding... Okay back to the story)

"Onew? Can I talk to you?" she saw Onew sitting down on his bed. She went and sit down beside him.He gave her a smile before answering "Sure why not?" He said not removing his smile.

Oh Onew--she thought.

"I know you know what I came here for. I'm sorry" she said.

He laughed lightly "For what?"

She stood up and frown "Please! Stop pretending that you are happy! Stop pretending that you not hurting! It pains me seeing you like that! Look, it is not my intention to hurt you and everyone. I don't want to hurt you but I was full of innocence that time, I didn't think twice before making a decision. Let me tell you this, decision making is also that hard for me right now. If only I could turn back time, I would. I know this sorry is not yet enough but I tell you I really mean everything. If only I have infinity hearts, then I can return my feelings to you. Onew, I really am sorry" She poured everything including her tears. She felt so emotional right now.

Onew was so shocked. He stood up also and gave Ji Hwa a hug. "Shh... Don't cry. Hey! Don't cry" he said softly while caressing her hair.

"Look, it's not your fault, it's mine. I should have just at least stay on the stage of friendship but I went too far. I fell for you and it was not your fault. Don't blame yourself okay? Maybe cupid shoot me his arrow and just on time I was looking at you that's why I fall for you" he tried to make Ji Hwa smile but he failed.

Ji Hwa was still sad and still blaming herself. Then Key went in. He smiled at both of them. He walked closer to Ji Hwa and gave her a hug.

"Don't cry! Onew hyung was right, it's not your fault okay?" He said caressing her hair.

Ji Hwa stopped crying and looked to both Key and Onew. Onew smiled at her but she was still frowning.

She hugged them both and proceed on crying. "I'm really sorry guys, I really am"

"Aww please don't be like that. We are sorry for what we did to you, okay? Now enough saying your sorry" Key smiled at her as well as Onew.

Then they heard claps coming from the door. It was Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho and Seo Hyun.

"Finally! The problem has been solved!" Jonghyun said while smiling.

"We respect your decision Ji Hwa. Yes we were hurt but we had nothing to do, you control yourself and it's the decision your heart. We don't want to stress you" all of them laughed.

"ahh come here cry baby!" Minho said while spreading his arms for a hug. They had a group hug for a while then right at that moment Ji Hwa became happy again. She chuckle before wiping her tears away.

"Wait! So does this mean I don't have to work for Jonghyun Hyung?" Taemin said happily.

"No way Mr. A deal is a deal. You still have to do it. You still owe us something..." Jonghyun said.

"Wait wait! I have an idea! Let's change the deal. You have to become the maid of everyone of us and then Ji Hwa and Seo Hyun will have their day off for one week. Then that means you have to serve us for one week" Onew hyung said.

Such an evil hyung!!

"Deal!" all of the boys shake hands except for Taemin. He crossed his arms on his chest, he hated it.

Meanwhile, Ji Hwa and Seo Hyun was just laughing at them while they play with Taemin. Taemin was just frowning and it made Ji Hwa and Seo Hyun laughed even more.


My Pervert Bosses (SHINee fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now