You stank

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I need a shower

Ew u stank

All for you

Can't wait to get a whiff of that BO

I'm on my way
Just finished talking to my bros

How was the show
I was backstage so I couldn't watch

Yeah sorry
It was lit

Just like I imagined it would be

Can't wait to see you

Don't know what the hurry is ;)
It's boring here

Idgaf I wanna chill with you May

Imma start calling yo Jason if you call me May now
Jason stahp calling me that
I'm in my Pjs already

I don't mind Jason
And good that your in pj's
That's perfect for a movie

I don't remember agreeing
Or you asking

May, do you wanna chill later ?

Aw sure Jason but,
Without the Netflix

Next time


What did you do the whole time since you left the arena?

I've been in my hotel room watching series this whole time

Let me guess
Geordie Shore?

No 😭 I finished the last episode
So I'm watching Scream queens lol

Ohhh no you watch scream queens?
Is it even good, i've never tried to watch it

i'm in love
trust me
it will change your life

Put it on pause till I get there

Uhh nah
That's in like an hour

I'll be there in like half an hour
I'm just finishing some stuff up then leaving

Take your time

Okay in the car now yasss


Girl, you better have paused

Chill da fuq out I did

You better have

You're so bossy
Your name should've been Jason Bipolar-Bossy Bieber

Oh no you didn't
U better take that back


Hollllyyyyy take that shit back 👏👏

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