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"Hey holly wake up.", "dude, wake up."

"Huh? What? Yeah?"

"We've landed." Maejor says to me

I finally try to process what is happening. Oh yeah, I'm at London, oh wait now Germany woah okay. I wipe off the sleep on my eyes and yawn standing up. Maejor waits for me to stand up until he starts leading the way.

"Where are we." I yawn again asking, following Maejor outside.

"At Hamburg in Germany."

"Okay." I say taking out my phone,damn 10% I'll just charge it later.

We step outside the jet and see some other people waiting outside. Mickey was outside helping to to take bags out the jet while Martin and Justin already had their luggage, Scooter, Mikey and Alfredo was just chatting. Yeah alfredo joined us at London, he's pretty cool i guess. Oh gosh Justin. I literally don't hold grudges so I hope he's not mad at me anymore because I didn't do anything...I hope and I should be the one mad because he was being mean. But I'm literally over it.

"Finally awake holls?" Martin asks when he spots Maejor and I.

"Yeah." I chuckle and shiver, damn its cold.

Justin looks up and looks at me for a second until he walks away to inside the airport with Mikey.

I sigh, I guess he's kind of still mad. I take my suitcases from the security guy thanking him and Scooter tells me to follow the others.

I catch up with Maejor and Alfredo, who were talking about music, I didn't even know what they were talking about. I stayed quiet just listening to their conversation I didn't even understand. Damn I feel like shit, I probably look like shit and what's happening between Justin and I's relationship is shit. Well shitity shit shit shit. Can things get shittier?

"Earth to Holly." Alfredo says cutting me from my thoughts

"Huh?" I say "sorry what?" I laugh

"Your passport, to show your visa." He laughs backs

"Right right." I say opening my backpack, little couldn't handle my handbag so I'm just using a back. I take out my passport and give it to the lady.

She checks it and then does some shit I don't know then hands it back. We carry on walking and head to the parking so we can go to car. People start to notice us a little so we hurry to the car.

Minutes later we finally make it and I see Justin fast asleep in the back seat. Agh he's so cute. I need to talk to him so I jump in the back seat next to him. He moves a little and slowly opens his eyes looking at me, then he sighs leans his head back and closes his eyes. I could really see that he's not going back to sleep so I have to do something. Seconds later everybody was in the car making noise and so the car started moving.

"Justin." I say for him to only hear.

He just opens his eyes but doesn't move or saying anything.

"Please can we just get over this now, it's getting old. And we're here for 4 days."

"Don't you get it?" He says.

"No I really don't Justin."

"Please can we just talk later, I'm fucking tired." He says closing his eyes again.

"Just tell me why are you mad."

"I'm not mad Holly-May." He says sitting up fully awake now.

I really didn't know what to say next. Honestly this boy whatever superstar needs fix his issues I'm super annoyed. I nod and scoot over and sit by the other window to get away from Justin. He looks at me sadly and I just sigh taking out my phone. I see I got messages from back home.


You already know who it is 💃🏻 (Charlotte Mair):

I'm back in la
I miss ya

I'll be back in la soon, there's a break after Italy 😉

When are you at Italy

Well I'm in Germany, then I got to Switzerland then Italy.

Okay yay 3 to gooooooooooo yass
Well guess what happened with Gary and I 😍

What happened🙄


Give me a clue


You fucked in Vegas?

Oh wow

I knew it
But don't come to me crying asking me to buy you diapers
Remember those 7 b's our moms told us

I'll never fuck him without protection you hoe
But whatever
What about you and Bieber?

I literally don't know what his problem is

What happened

Tell you later my battery is on 8%

Later gator

See ya sun


Chazzy boy:

I feel like I'm never going to see you again

But you are.


Do you want to FaceTime
Like if you want to
In like 2 hours tho

Yeah! That's sound like fun

I haven't seen since like forevverrrr

It's because you haven't

You're right

I gotta get groceries
Later hollister

Bye chazzy


So I'm in Germany. My best friend fucked her 'boyfriend' well they not really together but whatever. Justin and i's relationship is still fucked up and my phone is less than 10% we'll fuckidy fuck fuck fuck.


Lolololololol please vote next update coming tomorrow ;)

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