Chapter Two

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"You rushed out so quickly this morning that I did have a chance to make you breakfast, so I decided to come into town so that I can re-energize for later," Connor swoons while implying him and I have plans for later. *Do we? Of course, NOT! I never go back!*

I can't let him see my repulsion, or my dire need for, I just roll my eyes as I pour his coffee. I try to think of something flirty, or something that will make him leave me alone....I don't which I would prefer. I can't think of anything to say though, and before I know it I am just standing there asking what he would like to order.

He gives me a blank stare for a moment as if he is caught unawares. *HA! Good to know that he isn't the only one that can bring surprise to someone first thing in the morning!* He eventually gets the point, or either concedes, and orders.

"I'll take the steak omelet with the steak cooked medium-rare, and add mushrooms. A side of sausage links, too" he replies.

I scribble down his order on my tiny flip book, and briskly turnabout and walk directly to the kitchen window. I call out the order and hang the ticket. I lean against the kitchen window for just a second to catch my breath and slow my heart before I approach the table that just sat down. *What is Connor doing to me?!?!?! I said never again, and I meant it. I will keep my vow.*

I take the elderly couple's order, they are regulars so we share some polite conversation as I pour their coffee. I go to put their order in and grab Connor's order from the kitchen window. I try to keep from feeling so excited about having a reason to go back to him, to get close to him again, but then I start to feel giddy. TOO giddy, like a school girl with a crush. *I can't do this!*

"Sophie, do you mind taking this over to that guy over there? I need to run to the ladies room, real fast" I ask.

"No problem, sweetie. Take your time." Sophie replies as she grabs the plate and heads toward Connor.

I walk briskly in the opposite direction into the ladies room. I lean over the one old faucet and splash some cold water on the back of my neck and cheeks. I look at myself in the mirror. *This is ridiculous. Pull yourself together, Calia.* I probably stand there for like 3 minutes, but it feels longer. I feel more like myself so I return to the dining room. I check on the elderly couple as I drop off their plates and refill their coffee. They seem so happy for a couple that has lived here and been together since what it seems the beginning of time. *I wish I could have that. Wait, no, I do NOT want that.* *sighs, I really need to pull it together!*

I walk over to Connor's table with his check in hand, and plan on just dropping it and refilling his coffee, but when I go to pour the coffee he lightly touches my wrist and tells me he doesn't want anymore of that.

"Although I do want something else later that maybe you can help me with, " he says through his brilliant smile.

I blush and nod, and walk back to the counter. I get to wiping down menus just to remain busy. I don't need to give Ben any other reasons to complain about me today.

I can't help but wonder what in the universe made me just nod like I agreed I would see Connor again tonight. I keep thinking through it, but the more I think about it the more nervous yet excited I feel. It is going to be a long day.

As I am lost in my thoughts, Connor leaves unnoticed. When I realize he is gone, I go to clear the table. On a napkin he wrote, "See you at 9pm, my place." I crumble it up and shove it down into my apron. As if I need a reminder of what I unwillingly allowed myself to agree to, but as I think these negative thoughts a smile crosses my face that actually looks like happiness. 

*Go to Connor's. Don't go to Connor's.* I argue back and forth with myself during the rest of my shift. I come to the conclusion that I really need to speak with Tyler about this, and then dread settles into my stomach since I know what will be discussed. The memory is as fresh as if it happened yesterday, and not years ago.

I have finally got back to updating this.....I make no promises about when I will update this again, as I am working on another story idea at the moment, but I am NOT giving up on this, for now  :)

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