Chapter 1

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I woke up. And immediately I did, I got the strangest feeling that my life was about to change. It was hard to explain, I don't know how I knew but I just did.

Let me start over. My name is Jack Ryder. I'm in the 11th grade at Jonestown High School. I got my dirty blond hair from my dad but the cutest dimples(as they all say) from my mum. One might say I'm a playboy but in my perspective, life's too short to stay committed for too long. So I try to make the best of my time.

So back to that morning... After the strange feeling I couldn't shake off, I thought,"Well, I can't stay in bed forever. I should get ready for school." I glanced at the clock and realized I had just about 10 mins to get to school or I'd be late. I scrambled out of bed, brushed my teeth, took a quick bath, threw on some clothes and was done with about 3 mins to spare. I glanced at the mirror and couldn't resist flashing a smile at the handsome guy in the mirror. Call me vain but even I can't resist my charm.

I got to school just in time for the first bell and made it to class. Unfortunately, my first class of the day was Spanish, a subject I've come to love to hate. And even worse, the teacher(I think she's related to Druids or Celtics cause she's definitely got a bit of witch in her)is a grumpy bitch who does not like me. So needless to say, she's always waiting for me to do something wrong. And I don't know why, but I just love annoying the hell out of her. She begun the class and started to rumble on and on and just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I got a text. Knowing I'd be sent to the principal if she caught me using my phone during her class but being unable to resist the risk, I checked my phone and saw it was from my best friend, Alex, who was seated right behind me. It read,"Why in God's name did you make me take Spanish? I'm dying here...". I couldn't resist a smile as I texted back,"Suck it up... You're here now... No use crying over spilt milk. Besides, you're just a big crybaby." I turned round to stick my tongue out at him and he tossed a wad of paper on my face in playful annoyance.

When, 15 minutes later, the ball rang, I sighed in relief and walked out of class but not before smiling at the Spanish witch who seemed to grow dark and I just couldn't resist chuckling to myself. As I got out of class, Alex said,"Honestly, if I had to endure 15 more minutes of Spanish, I'd explode.". I ignored him because he said that every time. We walked down the hallway to Math, our next class but then Alex suggested we skip class. I was in no mood to go to class in the first place so Alex's suggestion  seemed really considerable. However, for some reason beyond my understanding, I told him I wasn't going to skip but I told him to go ahead without me. He looked at me with a frown on his face cause he knew I'd always jump at any opportunity to skip class. He asked,"Dude, are you okay? You're acting VERY strangely.". I told him I was fine and headed towards Maths.

As the class was about to begin, the principal walked in. Behind him was a girl I'd never seen before so I assumed she was new. Looking at her, she wasn't what I'd be interested in at first glance but there was something about her that intrigued me. I shrugged it off thinking I was just getting weird. The principal said to the class,"We have a new student with us today." Turning to her, he said,"Introduce yourself." Looking the class over, she said," My name is Claire Bennett. I just moved into Jonestown. Thank you.". The principal said,"Thank you, Claire. Go find a seat and make yourself comfortable.". As she headed across the class, it became obvious that the seat beside me was the only vacant spot in the class. She sat down without glancing at me once. When the principal left, the class continued but I couldn't seem to keep my mind off the person next to me. She kept her eyes glued on the teacher and did not, for once, look at me or anyone in the class for that matter.

When the bell rang, she got up quickly and left before I could approach. I cursed and promised that I would talk to her the next time we happened to meet.

When I left Maths, I met Alex waiting for me and together we walked to the cafeteria where girls surrounded us, all wanting to talk to me. Used to this, I Sat with them all around and just sort of went into autopilot. I was so used to it, I just collected their numbers without even realising it.

I happened to look up and see Claire pass by my table. I sprang up and went to her table where she was seated, leaving the other girls behind for Alex to deal with. I sat opposite her and waited for her to say something. When she didn't, I said,"Hello.". She didn't look up from her tray. I tried again," Hey,Claire. I'm Jack.". She looked up this time and said,"So what?". To say I was surprised would be the understatement of the century. It was the first time any girl would say something as flippant as that to me. I thought about it and said,"Hey, what's with the attitude? Are you usually like this or do you just behave this way when cute guys try to introduce themselves to you?". She sighed and after a moment, got up, dumped her food in the trash and left the cafeteria. I watched her go and found I was speechless. It was the first time a girl seemed uninterested in me.

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