Chapter 3

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Ok, so here I am still shocked at the attitude I just got. I finally met someone who isn't charmed by me and my looks. That's surprising. I decided I'd do my best to get 

So the next day, I woke up really early, got ready for school and got to school really early. When other students started coming in, I composed myself and waited for her to appear. When she did, I approached her and said,"Good morning, beautiful.". She totally ignored me and kept walking but I wasn't going to be put off that easily.

I followed her and said,"How long are you planning to ignore me? You can't keep this up forever, you know."

Still no reply.

"Are you seriously going to let me keep talking? It's not right to just let a guy like me keep talking and not get a reply."

"Well, I was hoping you were a part of my nightmare that followed me into reality and I thought if I ignored you long enough, you'd disappear. But obviously, I was wrong." she replied.

"Aww, thanks babe. That's so sweet of you to say." I said as we entered Chemistry class.

"You wish.", she retorted and went to her seat.

I sat beside her and whispered,"I think it's just Chemistry though."

She tried to hide a smile but did a bad job so it was pretty obvious that I was making progress, slowly but steadily.

I heard nothing of what was said in Chemistry cause I was too busy trying to get her to talk to me again but she seemed to be really focused on the class going on, which I suspected was just because of me.

As the bell rang, she quickly packed up her books and left class. I followed her and asked her what she was doing after school.

"So what are you doing after school?", I asked her as we walked down the hallway.

"Apparently, still trying to ignore you. Could you just leave me alone? This is getting really annoying."

"I could do that...on one condition.", I said, already formulating a plan.

"And what could that be?", she said, feigning exasperation.

"You give me your number.", I told her with a smirk on my face.

"And you leave me alone forever?", she said, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, not quite forever but at least for now... so what do you say?"

"Fine, I'll give you my number."

She took my notebook and wrote her number down behind it.

"Now please, I'd like to hear myself think.", she said, walking away.

"Whatever the princess wants...", I said as she turned the corner.

"Now I can move on to the next phase of my plan... Wait, do I even have a plan?
Never mind that, I'll make it up as I go.
On to the next."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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