Talking Dead--Rant Q&A

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Message To the Readers:

Hello Everyone,

I started this fanfic exactly 1 year ago. It initially started as just a three-part fanfic, something that i never tried before. I want to thank you all for the positive feedback and i really want to thank you for the constructive criticism as well. 

As you probably know, i have updated this fanfic in about two months. This is due to personal developments in my life as well as issues with finding a good editor. As you know, Beta Readers and editors are very important. I really want to find a person that i can connect with through the story. That chemistry is very important because i want to provide my readers with be best content.

Now let's get two it. The new chapter, Episode 4 Parts 1-4 will be uploaded on 11/20 following the episode of AMC's The Walking Dead. I worked really hard on this chapter and hope you all enjoy it. 

Now Down To business. Let's talk about the future. The Walking Dead: -6 is about to go in a different direction. For starters i am shortening the series. This is actually a good thing, this way i will be able to start The Walking Dead: -7. I can't wait to start writing for Negan and it's killing me to wait. There are still two major arcs left in -6, No Way Out and Something To Fear and both arcs will go out with a bang.

Let's talk about 'Ships?

The great thing about Season 6 was it brought more relationships in the series

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The great thing about Season 6 was it brought more relationships in the series. Abe broke up with Rosita, Rosita started banging Spencer. Rick courted Jessie, chopped her hand off and then hooked up with Michonne. It was a very busy Season. My companion Fanfic is doing a similar thing. I got a few tweets (BTW its @TWDNegative on Twitter) regarding my hook up between Spencer and Phillip. Well, without spoiling anything i will just say i used a lot of Comic "Spencer" to influence the Spencer in my fanfic. In the Comic, Olivia suspects Spencer to be gay as well but closeted. In the comic, Rosita doesn't hook up with Spencer. I ceased on both of these elements and you will see in time how the develop

 I ceased on both of these elements and you will see in time how the develop

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Another 'Ship of a sort is Shick or Rane, essentially Rick and Shane. I have read many fanfics, some of them amazing, where Shane and Rick just resume everything like nothing ever happen back at the farm. Or that it wasn't a "big deal". i did my best to create an organic reunion between the two men. It had been two years, Lori is dead, Judith was alive, both men are conflicted but one thing is sure. They really hate each other, still.

Carl, Enid, and Henry...I'm going to do something fucked up with these three. Prepare yourself.

Season 7

I can't wait to write with Negan, especially with Shane and Phillip scenes

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I can't wait to write with Negan, especially with Shane and Phillip scenes. Negan has so much charisma and such a potty mouth. Needless to say I'm excited, are you?

Deconstructing Rick Grimes:

Season 6 showed Rick Grimes come into his own

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Season 6 showed Rick Grimes come into his own. By the end of the season, he had become so cocky. He really believed that he could do anything. And this was all for good reason, after survivng the events of "No Way Out" Rick figured there was nothing he couldn't face. In addition, he had everything he needed: He had Michonne, Carl, and Judith. When he finally encountered Negan, his cloud 9 evaporated. 

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