Ep 4 / P3.5

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The Walking Dead: -6
Episode Four: ... And Then There Were Three 
Part 3: "Orphaned"

Phillip's POV Part2

One thing that stuck out to Phillip was the amount of walkers, still trolling around the outskirts of the Honeycutt Estates. His eyes narrowed when he saw the twenty-so walkers in various forms of decomposition moaning as they wandered up the roads. Phillip wondered what was keeping them from the compound. "We should get off the main road," suggested Phillip. "The terrain isn't too bad and I doubt there would be as many Stiffs walking around.

"Have you ever drove through it before," asked Shane.

"Only once, I snuck out of the house when I was 17," confessed Phillip. "I took a dirt bike and drove off the property. And that was prior to any ATLAS training."

"You were quite the little hellion, Phil," Nancy teased.

Phillip scoffed, "you have no, idea pumpkin."

As the group drove through the field, the five became more nervous, unsure of what to expect when they reached the property. When the five reached the fifteen foot high walls they noticed a few remaining walkers.

"Ok, me and Shane will clear the bush, Austin you are staying with the Nancy and Henry. Once we're clear you're going to park this big son of a bitch against the wall and we're heading over. Any questions?"

"Yeah, one," Shane said. "Who died and made you the boss."

"I've been the boss, move your ass," Phillip said as he open the door to the PYTHON, with his left fist he knocked down a male walker. After slamming the Humvee door Phillip quickly stumps on the walker's head, killing him.

Phillip was lightly dressed, only wearing his tactical body suit, it was strong enough to withstand a walker bite but was vulnerable to bullets. Using his long bowie knives he slashed through the dead. Shane joined him, using his large red fireman's axe to plow through the brains of the coming walkers. Shane noticed that these walkers appeared to be stragglers left behind by a larger herd. He came to this hypothesis due to the fact that there were already remains of dead walkers before they arrived.

After the area was cleared Shane stated, "Something went down here."

"What do you mean?" replied Phillip, "It was just six walkers, Shane."

"I don't know, it doesn't feel right," Shane's stomach churned, his spider-sense wasn't tingling, it banged like a gong.

"Damn it, we just got here, can we pretend to be positive," countered Phillip. "It took me two years to get here."

Shane could hear the desperation in Phillip's voice, he had to believe in something, he had come too far. The two men used the now parked PYTHON to climb over the 18-foot high wall, opting to ensure the safety of the crew. When Phillip landed, the two noticed more deceased walkers. Phillip waited patiently as Henry, Austin and a pregnant Nancy climb over the wall as well.'

"Damn, Phil, why the hell does your family have a wall so high?"

"They were very anti-social," replied Phillip as he counted the corpses on the large estate's lawn. "Six."

"Yeah, I noticed that too," Austin said, let's head to the house. Austin placed his hand on Phillip shoulder and caressed him lovingly. Whatever they were going to face next, they were going to face together.

The large property sat atop a hill surrounded by a larger tobacco field. The closer the group got to the home the more the sense of horror grew in Phillip's chest. Why hasn't anyone stopped us yet, thought Phillip. Austin was the first to notice the closer the group got to the home the faster Phillip moved.

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