Chapter 2

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On behalf of Louis's birthday, I will post two more chapters, this one and another one. Please comment and read and vote! :-) Also please message me im bored :)

Follow me on Polyvore and Instagram!

Instagram: @5__idols

Polyvore: xxniallsprincessxxx

Thanks guys! :P

ok on with chapter 2



*1 month later*

It was cloudy outside my big hospital window. I've started to love cloudy and foggy weather, because it could become sunny or start to rain at any second. It's like it has so many options, and has the ability to choose. Unlike myself, who was still "recovering", but I suspected it was because Amelia couldn't bear to see me go to a home where I knew nobody. Amelia was my only friend at the hospital. I'd felt that I could tell her anything. But I was still depressed, and I still hated everything happy, except Amelia, of course. Another thing I loved about Amelia was that she personally went to find my bags that I saved from the fire. When I got them back, I decided to go through them. Usually, I had to wear a pair of hospital-distributed jeans and a white t-shirt, but Amelia let me borrow her special navy blue sweatshirt that had a black circle on it. I really liked it, it was just so different. Why did a happy, bright person like Amelia own such an unhappy sweatshirt? Nobody had any idea. When I got my bags, I knew my clothes and belongings were in there. "Amelia! Thank you so much! I can't even believe you went so far for these and for me!" I squealed quietly, while Amelia sat in a chair, giggling. "It was my birthday when the fire happened, and I have my presents in my bag. Should I open them?" I asked Amelia, and her face lit up. "Birthday? Just a second!" then she darted out of the room to go grab something. I wondered what it was.

When Amelia returned, she was holding two chocolate cupcakes, one with a white candle on top, with an electric flame. She knows me so well. "Happy Birthday, Trinity! How old are you?" she asked excitedly, being her bubbly self. I hated to admit it in front of her, but I didn't even remember. I chose to forget it all, but I could think. "13 years old. I think." I told her after a few minutes of hard thinking. Her face drooped a little, and figured out why. I was that young, and lost all of my family in just a big flame. I see way everyone pities me. Now everything makes sense.

"Let's see what in here!" I suggested, trying to remove the tension and sadness between us. Inside my duffle was the bag of gifts, my activities, and clothes. So many clothes! Different shirts, like blouses, tank tops, baggy sweaters, and shorts, skirts, pants, and pajamas. In my activity bag, there was a bag full of ashes. That didn't seem right. Then I remembered; this bag was open when everything was burning. Fire must have gotten inside and resisted the leather. Oh well. Nothing I needed was in there. Lastly, my bag of gifts. There were 6 gifts inside. Amelia nodded, as if to say open them! Each gift had something different inside. Every gift I received was a charm bracelet, stuffed giraffe, 2 pairs of fuzzy socks, a pair of black converse high-tops, a jar of colorful guitar picks, and a framed photo of my family and me. A framed photo?!?!

"I gave you the photo, Trinity. A woman named Mrs. Walsh gave it to me. I'm sorry if it upsets you. I just thought you would want to remember them." Amelia admitted with shame, but I wasn't mad or sad. "Thank you so much, Amelia. I think I needed this. You don't need to be upset, because I'm happy." I smiled back to her and hugged her. I decided it would be best to eat our cupcakes, and we dug in, giggling and smearing chocolate frosting all over our faces.

*this is a really short chapter, sorry guys :( but I'll post another longer one to make your day lol. thanks for reading this far :)

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