Chapter 7

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A.N. So sorry for not updating! I've just been very busy and stuff. Also, HAPPY BELATED BIRFDAY HAROLD! I LIVE IN THE VALEYYYYYY! so yeah. enjoy this chapter! It's kind of short, but it's emotional, too. :)

Chapter 7:


I was sitting in my bed when I heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in," I choked out, just barely audible. Liam came into the room, and he was the one I wanted to talk to. He smiled sympathetically, and sat on my bed next to me. It was awkwardly quiet for a few minutes, until he broke the silence by asking, "You don't want to leave, do you?" I shrugged, too tired to say anything. I looked Liam in the eye, and he looked into mine, noticing how red and puffy they were. "Trinity! Your eyes!" he exclaimed in a loud whisper. "I ran into Amelia, and... and..." Before I could finish my sentence, I started to bawl. Liam hugged me tight, and my tears fell onto his t-shirt. "Shhhh..." Liam hushed, and I started to whimper.

"I'm so tired, Liam, and I don't want you to leave!" He hugged me even tighter. "I won't leave you, Trinity. Do you want to leave tonight, or wait until the morning?" he asked me. "Morning," I whispered, almost asleep. He nodded and set me under my bedcovers and tucked me in. "Goodnight, see you in the morning," Liam said sweetly and quietly, just enough volume to put me to sleep.


"What is taking Liam so long? I am so HUNGRY!" Niall whined annoyingly. Everybody groaned in protest to going into the cafeteria, but Niall did his puppy face, so we couldn't say no. "Guys, just remember, there might only be like, chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese in here, because it's a children's hospital," I informed everyone, and we all laughed. It was a children's hospital, after all. We were directed to a closed off area of the cafeteria, where a bunch of worried parents and older people were eating and pacing. There were the normal parents though, feeding their younger children like it was a normal routine. It probably was so some patients. 'Trinity's really lucky,' I thought, 'She's getting out of here much faster than some of the other children.'

"Harry... Harry... HAROLD!" Louis yelled in my ear. I guessed I was daydreaming. We got our food and sat down. Liam still wasn't there. "Where's Liam, guys?" Zayn demanded, sounding worried. We all wondered until a very shaken-up Liam came into the doorway. "LIAM!" Niall shouted, running over to him and dragging him to the table. "What happened?" all of us asked at the same time. It was kind of creepy, actually.

"Well," Liam started to explain, "She called me up to her room, and then we talked, we aren't going back until tomorrow guys, sorry about that, and then she fell asleep on me." He gulped, and whispered quietly, "In her sleep, she whispered, 'Tell the boys I love them, it's really true.' " We all gasped, and realized she had come out of her funk. And that she really wouldn't mind us bringing her home.

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