Chapter 9: The Real

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Elijah: No you are a friend. Mike is the enemy.

Amy: Really?? Mike isn't the one who pressed the button.

Elijah: True, but he is the one who got the button to be pressed.

Amy: What's it gonna solve Rhea??

Elijah: He won't be alive and you will see what it's like to have people so close to you gone.

Amy: I ain't do shit to you. Rhea

Elijah: You're right you didn't but Santo did.

Raya: Nigga you got a lot of grudges.

Elijah: Do you wanna be added to my list??

Raya: Nahh.....I know what.....Amy your curtains are just ......beautiful.

Amy: -laughs- Scared ass. But What did Santo do to you??

Elijah: He took my spot in X2C. I was supposed to be the leader and Erin was supposed to be  HBIC.

Amy: I didn't even know I was HBIC.

Raya: You were always that, Amy. It's one of the reasons Erin don't like you.

Amy: Oh.....rude.

Elijah: Exacaly why I want Santo out. Once Walt sees how fucked up everything is he'll put me in charge.

Amy: So you scheming your way to the top.

Elijah: I'm not scheming anything. Just revealing the truth.

My phone started ringing and caller id said Craig.


Amy: Hello

......: Hey it's Santo

Amy: Ok.

Santo: We need to talk. Can you meet me at Crenshaw in 15 minutes.

Amy: Sure see you then.

Santo: Aight

(PC Over)

Amy: Look I got to go y'all. We can talk about this later.

Elijah: You're running out of time, Michelle.

Raya: Bruh you're an ass hole. Why you do stuff??

Elijah: Cause I want what's rightfully mine. and if revealing a few secrets will get it for me then so be it.

Amy: I officially hate you for real this time. Now get out so I can get ready.

I get ready to go meet Santo at Crenshaw Park. When I get there he is sitting on one of the Picnik tables. I walk up to him

Amy: Hey Santo

Santo: Hey, Michelle

Amy: What do we need to talk about??

Santo: You and Me

Amy: What about us??

Santo: So there is still an us.

Amy: When did there stop being an us??

Santo: I figured you moved on because of me being locked up.

Amy: I haven't been with anyb.............ummm

Santo: What is it?? 

I sat there and thought about whether I should to tell him or not. I figured if he knew the whole truth then he wouldn't get mad.

Amy: Ok Listen real closely and pay attention. 

Santo: Anything for you babe.

Amy: Ok.......... Mike was the one who snitched on Jacob. Not Myles. Mike forced him to take the blame for it because he knew that I wouldn't let you kill Myles. Elijah wasn't there that night because he was plotting with Alec to get you arrested because my dad, Walt, who I just found out about didn't want you around me. But after you went to jail he found out about you letting Myles go and figured you were sprung over me and I was sprung over you. So he made Rayan and Elijah go to Atlanta to make enough money to get you out. Rayan had no idea it was Elijah who put you in there in the first place.

Santo: What?? Walt is your Dad. Bruh.......

Amy: Wait, I'm not done. You remember when you told Rayan to handle Elijah??

Santo: Yeah

Amy: Well he was gonna basically sleep with Erin because it was supposedly her fault he was at the ceremony that night. I was with her that night. He came charging at her and we both ran. He caught up to me and Erin ran on. We slept together and I got pregnant. He made me get an abortion. 

Santo: So he raped you. I swear o........

Amy: I'm not done!!

Santo: Ok

Amy: Elijah and Erin work for Walt. It was Alec who shot Mike last night. He has Tati, Dyris and Myles and the plan was if I didn't tell you the secrets and kill Mike and Rayan then Alec would kill Tati Dyris and Myles.

Santo: Walt wouldn't let that happen

Amy: Right because Myles is my twin. 

Santo: WTF?? Bruh

Amy: I am finding out more and more about my life and this situation. 

Santo: This isn't adding up. Walt knows how what part Tati and Dyris plays when it comes to X2C  they are basically apart of the gang and since Myles is his son then.....

Amy: That's the thing I think Elijah wants to be head of X2C and so he wants me to spill all the secrets so that Walt will see how you screwed everything and make Elijah leader.

Santo: But I didn't screw anything up.

Amy: Exacly and Elijah also wants Mike dead because of.....

Santo: He is still on that. 

Amy: Seems to have never let it go.

Santo: Well it looks like the only problem is Elijah.

Amy: And Erin apparently is too.

Santo: Nahh i think it's just Elijah you should talk to Erin.

Amy: and you talk to Walt.

Santo: Alright Michelle. Can I tell you something??

Amy: What is it??

Santo: You the real.

We kissed and I swear I have missed his lips so much. We stopped

Amy: We're real.


They so cute.

If anybody was wondering (which I'm pretty sure y'all not) Ray Ray was my favorite before the big split. Not Roc. I could just see myself with Roc until Desiroach (loljkjk Desiree) came into the picture. But Royal is so adorable.

Really feeling Lil Uzi Vert's song Erase Your Social. 

New chapter tomorrow before Empire or after Empire. Whichever comes first.


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