Part Five

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It's early.

She's sure she hasn't slept nearly as many hours as she would have liked. She doesn't really feel like she's been asleep at all and she's not sure why she's awake now. She's glad she didn't drink much last night because she knows she could have felt way worse than she does. Her head feels a little fuzzy and her stomach is knotty with the need for food, but mostly she just feels really cold.

It's a little confusing because she was so warm when she fell asleep. She'd felt so soft and heavy with release. When she remembers why she felt those things, she also remembers where she is and realizes why she's cold. It's because the blankets aren't on them because they're smothering Camila's hand instead. They pile over her arm where it presses against Lauren's back to keep her close. They must have gotten tangled up and discarded when Lauren turned over in her sleep.

Camila shifts closer with her eyes closed and opens them when she suddenly feels Lauren's breaths against her face. They're practically squashed together and Camila likes that Lauren's arms aren't held protectively between their bodies like usual. Her arm falls limply around Camila's waist as her head tilts sleepily forward where it's not propped up by the fist that usually rests under her chin. The other arm folds across her stomach to clutch at the arm Camila has wrapped around her.

They're so close that it's easy for Camila to edge across the pillow and nudge her nose against Lauren's. Lauren barely stirs and lets out the softest, prettiest, sleepiest sigh. It causes a smile to break out across Camila's face and she bites her bottom lip to stop herself from giggling. The sound leaves Lauren again when Camila leans back in and squashes their noses together. It's gentle and delicate and it's so fucking endearing. Camila untangles her hand from the blankets, lazily pulling them back over their bodies as a wave of protectiveness washes over her. She makes sure every bit of them is covered before she lets her hand disappear back underneath.

It's probably a little bold—and her touch is probably freezing—but she allows her hand to slip under Lauren's t-shirt and stroke the skin beneath. Her fingers make gentle patterns up Lauren's back and Camila knows the exact moment Lauren wakes up.

Her breath hitches and her body stiffens for a long, confused moment. Her brow furrows before realization sets in and her entire being softens and sinks completely against Camila.

"You hands are cold," she whispers, her eyes still closed.

Camila doesn't stop and lets her fingertips venture close to the waistband of Lauren's underwear instead. "You stole all the blankets," she breathes back. "It woke me up."

Lauren hums out another sleepy sigh except it rumbles happily in her throat. "Pretty sure that was the rain."

Camila tilts her head and looks up to the window above Lauren's bed. Sure enough, the rain beats heavily against the glass and Camila doesn't know how she missed it.

When she turns back, she's surprised to find green, sleepy eyes watching her.

They're so clear and pretty that it forces a gulp up her throat. She gets stuck staring into them for a long time before she snaps back into reality.

Lauren shakes her head. "Camila," she whispers. Camila tries not to jolt when soft fingers start playing with her hair. "How are you?"

Camila snorts. "I'm pretty sure I should be asking you that."

When Lauren tucks her chin down and lets her face burn red, all Camila wants to do is kiss her cheeks until they stop. She pulls Lauren impossibly closer, as if by instinct, and loves the way she instantly looks back up to let Camila look at her.

Camila gives their noses another nudge and can't help herself when she pulls back to kiss the tip of Lauren's. Lauren lets out a different kind of sigh and nuzzles their faces together. Their cheeks lay warm against each other and, for a moment, Camila feels inexplicably scared.

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