Chapter 4: Infected

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Henry's POV

"Freeze Dr.Minyak".

Captain Man and I were chasing after Dr. Minyak and his assistant professor cohort and chased them to a corner. Captain Man and I paralyzed them.

They fell to the ground and Dr. Minyak shot me in the arm with a laser, that only tickled.

"Uh...ow", I said sarcastically.

Dr. Minyak's POV

"It didn't hurt him".

"I know what I'm doing", I said as Captain Man and kid danger left.

Henry's POV

"Why am I driving".

"Because if we ever get into a situation where I can't drive, your gonna have to drive us out, and because I'm too lazy to drive".

For my first time driving, I'm doing pretty good.

Then my arm started itch. I lift my sleeve and it was all red. I've been scratching it since Dr. Minyak shot it. But it was also purple and black. I put down my sleeve and continued driving. Ray was asleep in the back.

We were close to the man cave, then I got a huge headache. Then everything got dizzy and the next thing I knew, I saw headlights. I could barely open my eyes. My head was pounding so hard, I almost cried.

"Kid are you okay", Ray asked.

I felt him lift my sleeve. Then my stomach started to hurt a lot. Ray threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the man cave.

A few minutes later

Gooch had took some blood from my red, purple, and black arm that has gotten worst.

"You feeling okay".


I grabbed my throat because it hurts. Ray felt my head and pulled away fast. His hand was smoking. Good thing he's indestructible. Then he and Gooch were whispering.

Then my stomach started hurting again, this time worst. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I closed the door and threw up. I wiped away the vomit on my lips. What did that laser do to me.

A half an hour later upstairs

Ray walked in.

"Your suppose to be in the man cave", I said barely.

"I came to check on you, you feeling any better".

"Well I haven't thrown up for 30 minutes so that's good".

Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell back onto the couch. Then there was a crime alert.


Ray went back down to the man cave.

15 minutes later

"Henry, there's someone who wants to see you".

I looked up and saw her.

I looked up and saw her

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"Thanks Gooch".

She ran up to me.

"Are you okay".

"Yeah I'm good, just peachy".

"Okay bye".

"Riley, I was being sarcastic".

Then she got something out of her bag.

"What is that, perfume".

She went into the kitchen and came back with a spoon. Then she poured the stuff on it and poured the whole entire bottle in my mouth! I swallowed most of it and coughed up some of it.

"Why did you do that".

She felt my head.

"Cold as a cucumber".

"Really, I don't feel sick anymore".

"I made it myself in my dad's lab".

It kinda hurt hearing the word dad. I looked down.

"It must be nice having a dad with a big mansion".

"Ray isn't my father, he's my guardian".

"Then where's... Henry I'm sorry I didn't-".

"It's fine, my dad never took care of me when I was ever sick".

"I'm sorry for your loss".

"Can I tell you a secret".

"Of course, were friends".

"My dad isn't dead, he's somewhere, I saw him leave, if Ray knew that he would send me to live with him".
"What was so bad living with your dad".
"Some parents don't care about their children, Riley, life isn't all about gummy bears, lollipops, rainbows, and unicorns, it's about not worrying about yourself dying, and god created earth for us to live on and do good things and make friends, but there's war and shootings, and kidnappings and there's no changing it".

Riley looked at her watch.

"I gotta go, see you tomorrow".

She actually walked instead of skip.



"Never change".

She smiled and went home. I just told her something personal. Maybe we are friends.

Author's note
I don't wanna sit still, look pretty! Sorry I'm listening to music. Guys never change. See you guys in the next chapter! Bye! =-O

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