Hogwarts Express/Teaser

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I was reading Skulduggery Pleasant and had this idea, so here you go!


Indiana's POV

The train started moving and I dragged my trunk down the Hogwarts Express, looking for a compartment. I came across a carriage containing a first year like me, she had fiery red hair and was playing with something that I couldn't see. I knocked, and her head snapped up. I opened the door.

"Hi, please could I sit here? There aren't anymore compartments." I explained.

"Sure," she replied, I stowed my trunk up above and sat down. "my name's Elizabeth Weasley, but please, call me Eliza. I'm not Ron and Hermione's daughter, I'm Charlie's. I never met my mother."

"That's awesome!" I say. "I've always loved dragons, you know, I find them fascinating."

"I've grown up around them, I love them like they're a part of my own family. Who are you?"

"Oh, right, sorry. Indiana, Indiana Bespoke."

Elizabeth gasped. "Really? You mean, like the elemental Ghastly Bespoke and the adept Tanith Low?" I nodded. "Wow! Are you an elemental, an adept, or a wizard?"

"Elemental. But I've always wanted to have a go at being a Wand-User. Would you like me to show you some Elemental magic?" She nods excitedly.

I click my fingers and a ball of fire appears in my hand, Elizabeth gasps. I extinguish the flame and ball my hand in a fist, gathering moisture from the air. "Hold out your hand." She does so, and I drop the water into her palm. Then I splay my hand and the bag beside her slams into the door. Elizabeth clapped loudly.

"That, was awesome! Hey, I know this may be a bit odd to ask, but what job do you want to go into when you're older? I'm definitely going into care for dragons, how about you?"

"Sanctuary. Either that or just working with Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain." Elizabeth regarded me with interest, then something moved and made a sound in her bag.

"Oh my gosh! I completely forgot! Um, Indiana, could you please close the blinds?" I do so and turn to face her, curious. "Alright, you promise not to tell anyone about this?" I nod. "Okay," she unzipped the bag and took out a small dragon. I gasped and sat down.

"Wow! What kind of dragon is that?"

"She's a cross breed, Norwegian Ridgeback and Hungarian Horntail, beautiful isn't she?" I nod my reply. "Would you like to pet her?"


"Don't worry, she won't hurt you, here, I'll hold her mouth closed." She does so. I reach my hand out and stroke her back and the ridges that line it. I retract my hand. "I'll put her away now, I don't want her to be spooked." She puts the.... Norwegian Horntail/ Hungarian Ridgeback away then looks out of the window and gasps. "Look Indiana! There's Hogwarts, and Hogsmeade! Oh, we'd better get changed." I grab my robes and rush to the door, but just before I walk out, I turn back.

"Hey, Eliza?" She looks up at me from the floor. "Call me Indi." We smile at each other then I go along to change.

Do Your Worst- Skulduggery Pleasant and Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now