Max (for Rina)

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  • Dedicated to @rinabitas

*"You may now kiss the bride" said the pastor. Your eyes glisten with tears, the ceremony was beautiful, you were so happy for your sister. Lila was gorgeous in her dress toady, the whole day was perfect. You just wished one day that would be you in the white dress with Max waiting for you at the alter...*

You kick off your heels, throw of your wrap and toss your cute, sparkly clutch onto the sofa before you collapse onto the red loveseat. This was your favourite piece of furniture because it was the first thing you and Max had bought together for this flat, your flat. Hehe 'your flat', you loved saying that. It meant you were a proper couple with a real future. For a long time you didn't think you would ever have the chance to call Max your boyfriend and now you had been dating for two years and had moved in together 6 months ago. 

"What you thinking about sweet cheeks"

"Urgh Max you know I hate it when you call me that!" you pouted, jutting your bottom lip out causing Max to groan. You look up meeting his gorgeous grey eyes as you cock your head to one side wondering what he means.

"Rina after all this time do you still not realise how every little thing you do is sexy," he says as he lifts you off the sofa and onto your feet. 

"Especially when you pout" he continues, pausing between each word to kiss you up your neck. You resist the urge to moan as he continues kissing your neck, teasing you mercilessly. You just want to crash your lips onto his but Max has other ideas and walks away.

"Where are you going?" you asked puzzled. Without speaking he turns round to face you, a finger to his lips as he beckons you to follow him. 


"Rina, baby please just come with me" he says with his puppy dog eyes, urghh why is he so cute?! You nod as you begin to make your way towards him, reaching out he places your hand in his and walks with you up the stairs, stopping just in front of your bedroom door.

"Baby close your eyes" you cock your head to the side as you stare at your boyfriend completely confused. 

"Please" whispers Max as he leans his forehead against yours before he presses a soft, loving kiss against your lips. You can't help but wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. He pulls away all too quickly leaving you standing there with your eyes closed and your arms hung loosely around his neck. 

"No fair.." you murmur as you try to pull him back to you but you feel something go around your head. Your eyes snap open and for a split second you're terrified, you can't see anything "Max?! Why can't I see?"

You hear his throaty chuckle "Rina I've tied my tie around your eyes because I have a surprise for you remember?"

"Um ok?"

Once again he leads you by your hand into .. the bedroom? 

"Max?! What's going on?" you question. Curiosity taking over you lift your hands to the back of your head struggling to undo the knot in the tie.

"Noooo Rina! Baby what are you doing? Just wait one minute, come inside and then you can take it off" pleads Max as you step further into the bedroom. "Baby please stop pouting you. I can take the tie off now ok?"

You nod impatiently wishing he would hurry up. 

Finally the tie fell from your eyes and you looked around the room, your brows furrowing together. 

"Max! I am so confused, there is nothing here" you say pouting as you swivel round to face him. 

"Baby, I love you with all my heart. I've had this for a while now, I was just waiting for the right time, the right moment and then today when you stood across for me today during the ceremony I realised that I just wanted you. I want you to be mine forever, I want your beautiful face to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. I just, I love you so much. Rina, baby, will you marry me?"

You look down at Max on one knee, ring box in one hand rose in the other, tears sting your eyes. Taking a deep breath in and out you nod your head vigorously, "Yes! Yes Max, of course I'll marry you!"

You hold back the tears as Max slides the gorgeous ring onto your finger before he wraps his strong arms around you, kissing you gently.

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