Nathan (for Eleni)

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  • Dedicated to @eleni7Ka

You rest your head on his shoulder sniffling slightly as the film ends. It was Friday night which meant it wasmovie night and it was your turn to chose the movie. You chose this film because you needed to cry and didn't want him to know why, well not yet at least. So Marley and Me was the perfect choice. 

"Ah Elini, why did you chose this film for?You just wanted to see my cry didn't you? I know you really wanted to watch 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, I know that's your favourite Tigger."

Through sniffles you manage to smile, lifting your head up so you can meet his stare you say "How did you know?" He only called you Tigger when when he knew you were upset or you needed cheering up.

"I always know Tigger, what did he do this time?"

You sigh as you nuzzle your head into the crook of his neck, "he.. he.. Nath.. I don't, I can't.. It's bad"

You can feel the tension rolling off of him as your words sink in, his grip around your waist tightness as he tries to control his temper. Nathan had always been so protective of you, more than your own brother was. It was nice. Knowing that you always had him there to defend you, kind of like your own personal soldier who would do anything to make sure you were safe.

"He wasn't-- he didn't.." you listen to him as he pieces everything together. You know he always had his suspicions about Daniel, you know he will figure it out and just hope he says something quick before you'll have to say it out loud. You can't bring yourself to say it.

"THAT SONOFABITCH, WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?!" Nathan explodes when he finally realises what Daniel did, his body starts to shake with anger, his eyes closed trying to calm himself down. 

You move yourself so you are on top of him your legs on either side of his hips as your hands cup his cheeks. "Nath, Nathan look at me. I know he is a d*ck but please don't do anything. I didn't think you would react like this!"

He takes one last breath before his eyes open, "Tigger, how could I not react like this? He, he cheated on you! I mean he needs to know that he can't just go around hurting and using girls like that. Wait till Tom finds out, you think he'll just sit here and let that jerk get away with cheating on his baby sister?"

"NO! You can't tell Tom, please Nath. And don't do anything to Daniel he isn't worth it" of course Daniel cheating hurt but you didn't love him, you were more embarrassed and angry about the fact you hadn't realised it earlier. The truth was you loved someone else and Daniel was your distraction because you knew the guy you truly loved didn't feel the same way. 

"But he hurt you, he cannot get away with that Eleni" 

"You want the truth Nath?" confused he nods his head. "I am more embarrassed and angry that hurt, I didn't really love him Nath. I, there is someone else. I love someone else.." You don't know what possessed you to be brave enough to tell him that but you were glad you did. It was time Nath knew how you truly felt.

"Y-You didn't love Daniel? You love someone else? Who?" 

You lower your head, all the bravery you felt before leaving your body as you whisper "You, its always been you." The silence that followed was torturous. Tears begin to sting your eyes as you realise that you finally told Nathan the truth and he didn't feel the same. 

"I'm sorry I should go" you mumble as you try to crawl off of his lap.

"No.. Tigger stay please." he says as his hand find their way to your waist as he pulls you back to him once more. "Look at me Tigger" your lips form a pout as you shake your head, refusing to look at him.

"Please Tigger" he pleads as one of his hand makes its way to your face, gently tilting your chin so that your tear stained eyes meet his own gorgeous bluey-green ones. 

"Please don't say you're crying because of me gorgeous." he says as he wipes away your tears. 

"You-You d-don't want m-me" you manage to stutter. 

"What? Tigger, I was in shock, I never thought someone as beautiful and funny and smart as you would ever look twice at me. But every since I met you I knew you were the one for me but you never seemed like you cared for me like that and then.. well and then Daniel came along and I thought I knew for sure you didn't love me. But now, Tigger I love you. Don't you ever forget it" 

"You love me? Really?"

"Yes Tigger, I love you"

"I love you too Nath!" you can't explain how happy you are, you never in a million years thought this would happen and now that it has everything is perfect. Well almost..

"Kiss me Nath"

"You don't have to ask me twice Tigger" he says as he brings his full lips to yours, giving you the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. As you both come up for air Nathan rests his forehead against yours and whispers, "my heart always has and will always be with you"

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