Jay (for Kirsty)

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  • Dedicated to @KirstyLauraBear

It was date night, you had been having these once a week with Jay for the last 3 years and tonight you were hoping something special might happen. That maybe he would take you out and finally pop the question. You had been hinting for months now that you were ready to take the next step but Jay hadn't seemed to get the hint.. or maybe he wasn't ready to get married yet? Truthfully, you didn't mind if it took him another 3 years or 30 years to propose you just wanted to be with him forever. You had never felt this way before and compared to your last relationship this one was heaven.

You loved Jay for everything that he was and everything that he wasn't and he loved you unconditionally, not a day went by without him reminding you of that and you loved it when he did. He made you feel special, like the only girl in the world and like the most beautiful girl in the world. You were pretty but like every girl out there you thought girls were prettier than you or had nicer hair than you but when Jay looked at you it looked like he the luckiest guy in the world. His love for you shone through him with every look and every touch he shared with you. When you were with him you felt whole, his was literally your other half and you had no idea what you would do without him.

"What you thinking so hard about beautiful" you still blushed every time he called you that and your blush grew when you didn't know how to reply to him, you couldn't tell him you were thinking about him proposing. Feeling a warm touch on your cheek you looked up into his eyes. He leaned in towards you, his lips caressing your ear "I love it when you blush, its the sexiest thing you could ever do" he whispered seriously, his lips sensuously brushed across you ear and your cheek as he spoke evoking shivers down your spine. Only he could do this to you, even after 3 years it still felt like the first time and that was how you knew he was the one.

His lips trailed across your ear down your neck, gently nibbling and sucking on his way down. Upon reaching the base of your neck he licked his way back up your neck to you chin, you couldn't help but moan. You felt his lips widen into a smile as he carried on kissing your face, every spot apart from your lips making you whimper and pout in protest. Chuckling lightly, he gave you the kiss you had yearned for. This moment was perfect, it was you. 

"As much as I would love to do this all night, we have someplace to go"

"Go where?"

"Its a surprise!" you pouted, you were impatient and he knew that. 

Jumping up he grabbed your hand as he pulled you towards the front door. You looked down at your tribal print blue and black dress pulling a face. "I have to change, I look horrible"

"Kirsty you look amazing as usual. There is no need to dress up where we are going" 

"Oh" so he definitely wasn't proposing today.

You let him drag you to the car and chucked you the car keys, Jay couldn't drive. I told him to take lessons but his smart response was that it was an excuse to spend time with me in the car, you knew that even though it sounded cute the truth was that he was too lazy to learn how to drive and loved being chauffeured around. You drove for 40 minutes with Jay giving you instructions. The scenery looked familiar and so did the name of the places but you couldn't remember when you had been here before.

Finally you were there, although you didn't know where 'there' was. Taking in your surroundings you saw a small barn with wild daisys growing around it, smiling you reached down and plucked on up, wild daisys were your favourite flower. You were frustrated now, you knew you had been here before but you couldn't remember when. Sighing and stomping grumpily you swiveled round to face Jay to demand he tell you what this place was but you were stopped short.

In front of you was the man of your dreams on one knee holding a box in front of him. It felt as if the sun had disappeared, as blackness engulfed you. This only lasted a second before the whole place was lit up with tiny fairy lights giving the place an amazing feel that was perfect for this occasion. Jay was proposing, of course you were going to say yes but you couldn't wait to hear his speech.

"Kirsty, for the last 3 years I have woken up amazed; amazed at the fact that I get to call you my girlfriend, amazed that I get to wake up next to you every day and I feel like my life is perfect. You are beautiful, way more than you realise. You're funny, caring, feisty, intelligent, breathtaking, beautiful, caring-- oh wait I said those already, I just. You would think that after all this time I would be fine around you and not nervous and tongue-tied but you still make me feel that way. That's how I know we going to last, that we are perfect for each other. We have had out ups and downs but I feel like everything we go through just makes us stronger and makes my love for you grow. You have been through so much in the past and I know it was hard for you to open up to me but I am so glad you did because it only made me love you more. I know you are wondering why I brought you here but I found out from your grandmother that your mum used to bring you here all the time until she died. I wanted to propose to you here so that in a weird way we could get her blessing... I did have more to say but looking at you right now my brain is failing me. You really are breathtakingly beautiful and I am going to spend the rest of my life telling you that, I don't care if it annoys you its true and I just want you to see yourself for what you are. And that's perfect, perfect for me. Kirsty, I promise to love you now and forever so would you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

Staring down at the man of your dreams, silent tears run down your face as you take in what he just said. It was beautiful and he was right we were perfect for each other. It was like he was made especially for you and you were made just for him. Knowing this you beamed as you gave him your answer "Yes Jay, I'll marry you!"

He jumped up and swung you around before placing you gently onto the ground and kissing you tenderly before pulling away and placing the amazing diamond onto your ring finger. He brought his lips down to your left hand kissing the ring before looking into your eyes and saying with confidence that made your heart melt "Forever baby, I'll love you forever"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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