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december 22, 4:33pm

danisonfire: WAIT

danisonfire: i saw ur recent update about ur roommate

danisonfire: if its me would i rly have to wait for a month before moving in:(

phhhhil: yes sorry

danisonfire: rude

danisonfire: are u excited for christmas

phhhhil: is that even a question

phhhhil: ofc i am EXCITED WHO ISNT

danisonfire: me lolzor xd

phhhil: aw bb why

danisonfire: well i mean

danisonfire: i don't really have anyone to spend it with??

phhhhil: but

phhhhil: your parents?

danisonfire: they kicked me out a few months ago

phhhhil: but on your report you said that you left & moved out??

danisonfire: yeah no sorry i lied so you wouldn't think i was weird

phhhhil: im sorry aw i would never

phhhhil: that increases your chances of moving in with me!!

phhhhil: my flat isn't too great though

danisonfire: i saw pictures it's so cute what

phhhhil: thank u :')

danisonfire: ur welcome :')

phhhhil: wanna skype :')

danisonfire: call me :')

phhhhil: okay :')

shorty get doWN good lord

also double update bc i'm sad and have no friends anymkre

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