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November 30, 2016.

Hongbin was walking towards the library since he has to print out some references the professor left in there in reserved. The problem is that he is in the building number 600 and the library was across campus from where he was standing. Meaning he is walking in the cold ass weather that today brought.

Also it is the last day of November, meaning the cold December is just around the corner and also finals. Which means, everyone right now are in stress to actually finish every assignment that they were giving on time and study for the finals all at the same time. Everyone would be stressed out with so much pressure on them.

After what it seemed like an eternity, which in real time only 10 minutes has passed. He finally reached the library. Opening the door of the library, he was greeted with more cold from the air conditioners. He wraps his self with the coat abut more, trying to give himself the much warm he desired as possible.

Going toward the front desk, he asked for the papers the professor left, signing something and giving his university ID, he went towards the printers. Putting his backpack at the table next to the printer; he took out the papers from the folder and placed them in the printer.

Taking out his wallet and counting how many papers he needed to print, he counted 10 papers, meaning the copies would be only ₩1,000. He put the money in the little machine next to the printer and hit the print button.

The sound of the printer filled the quiet library. He put his wallet back inside his backpack and took out a folder where he would placed his copies. Once the printer finished, he did just that. Put it back inside his backpack, took the original copies put it in the folder where they came and walked back towards the front desk.

"Excuse me? I'm here to leave this and get my ID back." Hongbin asked and placed the folder in top of the desk. The person that was looking down at his phone looked up to him.

That person smiled and said, "Oh hi Hongbin-ah, I'll take that please." Hyuk said, standing from his seat, taking the folder and taking it back where it belongs. Coming back, he brought Hongbin's ID back.

Handing it to him, he said, "Here you go, Bean!," he added, sitting back at his chair, "hey, are you free now? We could get lunch together!"

Putting his ID in his back pocket, he answered, "Well I already had my last class of the day so sure, why not?" With that he smiled, showing his beautiful dimples.

He thought for a moment that he saw Sanghyuk blush creeping in his cute cheeks, but he might had imagined it. He shook his head, trying to forget that. Sanghyuk stood up and went around the front desk and now is standing in front of Hongbin.

Sanghyuk is a bit taller than Hongbin but Hongbin is older by two years. Sanghyuk always teased him about it and he didn't mind. They liked to teased each other.

"Hey! Explain to me what we learned in yesterday's class. Please!" He said giving Hongbin his famous puppy eyes. Hongbin chuckled agreeing to help him. 'That kid doesn't even asks," Hongbin thought.

That's how they spend the rest of the day. They ate their lunch and went back to their dorms so that Hongbin could explain everything they learned yesterday to Sanghyuk. And it was something Hongbin didn't mind doing for someone he cares for.

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