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December 26, 2016.

Hongbin wakes up by the sounds of something falling. He rubs his eyes and looks around to see what might have fallen. He looks at the ground and sees that the book he had in the nightstand had fallen to the floor. He frowns and looks at the nightstand and sees his phone vibrating. Oh, so it fell by the vibrations of the phone, he thinks. He tries to reach out for it but is in no luck. Something is holding him. Scratch that, it is a someone. He looks beside him and sees that Hyuk is holding onto his waist.

He smiles and brushes a strand of hair away from Hyuk's eyes. He looks so angel like when he is sleeping. He kisses his button nose and then pecks his lips. Hyuk stirs a bit but pulls Hongbin closer to him. Hongbin chuckles and starts to play with Hyuk's hair. Hyuk's hair feels soft between his finger. Hyuk lets a moan signaling that he enjoys the way Hongbin is petting his hair right now.

His phone starts vibrating again and once again he tries to reach for it. He sighs and looks at Hyuk. "Yah! Hyuk, wake up!" He says chuckling as he shakes his boyfriend awake. Hyuk murmurs something under his breath that Hongbin couldn't catch what he said. "Come on, at least let go of me," Hongbin says trying to pry himself from Hyuk's grasps. But only made Hyuk tighten his grip a bit more. "No, you are warm," Hyuk says snuggling into Hongbin's chest.

Hongbin laughs and plays with Hyuk's hair. "Babe, my phone keeps ringing; it might be important," Hongbin says kissing the top of Hyuk's head. "I don't hear anything," Hyuk says and Hongbin glares at him, even though, Hyuk wouldn't see it. "It is on vibrate mode, genius," Hongbin says and Hyuk laughs finally opening his eyes. He moves his head to be able to see Hongbin's face.

"Good morning, bean sprout," Hyuk says and Hongbin flicks his head. "Yah! Just because you are my boyfriend doesn't mean call that," Hongbin says pouting and Hyuk laughs. Hyuk leans in and kisses Hongbin. Their lips move in sync as Hongbin's hand goes to Hyuk's cheek trying to deepen the kiss. They both pull away trying to catch their breath. Hongbin kisses Hyuk's forehead and then places his with Hyuk's, "I love you," Hyuk smiles and blushes. Though, they are new to the dating world, they already know how much each of them means to the other. So, every obstacle that they will have in the future will be no match for them. "I love you too," says Hyuk as he leans again for another kiss and Hongbin doesn't deny it.

-3 years later-

Hongbin is sitting by a table in a wedding reception. Weird, yes. He is in his ex-professor Jaehwan's wedding who is marrying, or as of right now, already married Wonshik. None other than Ravi from LR. He didn't know his music professor was dating the famous rapper but at the same time, he didn't expect to actually form a friendship bond with his professor. Though, it is weird to call him professor now that they are friends.

Hongbin sighs and looks around. The reception is nicely decorated. It looks something out of a movie. He can see all the people who were invited into the wedding, and it was a lot. There is Jaehwan's family, there is Wonshik's family, there is BTS, a group that J. L. Entertainment debuted two years ago, and apparently are really close with Wonshik. There is also Jung Taekwoon himself or Leo, whatever you want to call him with his husband, Cha Hakyeon, an amazing dancer and choreographer. There is also a little girl sitting with them which Hongbin could only believe that, that is their daughter. Jaehwan had mention her before. There is more people Hongbin didn't know.

And there are them, Hongbin and Hyuk. Two boys who had just graduated from university and are looking for a job. Though, they do have an offer but they are too scared to take it. Taekwoon had come up to them earlier to asks them if they wanted to join his company. He told them that Jaehwan has shown him their songs that they had produce for the class and he thought that they have talent and will like to help the grow into something. Both Hyuk and Hongbin told him that they will think about it.

Hyuk comes back with their drinks and sits beside him. Putting Hongbin' drink on the table he grabs Hongbin's hand and squeezes it gently. Hyuk can sense Hongbin feels out of place since the only people they really know and have talk to are Jaehwan and Wonshik. Though, Taekwoon can count as someone they know? They have made a conversation a few times but that is about it.

Suddenly, the lights go out and everyone starts to whispers trying to know what is going on. Then a light shine on the center of the dance area and you can see Hakyeon's and Taekwoon's daughter in the middle of it. "Uncle Jaehwan, this is for you from Uncle Wonshik. Appa said that Uncle Wonshik is too embarrassed to do it himself so that is why he asked me to do it! Hope you like it!" The little girl finishes saying and the room erupts into laughter. They both look at the table where the married couple are siting and even without the lights shining on them you can tell Wonshik's face is completely red as Jaehwan laughs with the crowd.

The music starts and just by the first tone Hyuk and Hongbin can tell what song it is. It's the song Me Gustas Tu by GFRIEND, a very popular girl group right now. They both laugh. They would expect the little girl had chosen the song but no, all of this was Wonshik's idea. "Yah! Eomma dance with me," the little girl says and they can see Hakyeon shaking his head but nonetheless he got up and dance with his little girl. There was a rare smile on Taekwoon's face; they can see he is totally enjoying it.

Hongbin brings Hyuk's hand to his lips giving it a sweet kiss. Hyuk tears his gaze away from the performance just enough to look at Hongbin and give him a shy smile. When Hyuk moves his gaze back to the performance Hongbin can't take his eyes of him. He wonders when will be the time when they will be sitting right where Jaehwan and Wonshik are right now. He just hopes that maybe he will pop up the question soon and then he will see Hyuk wear a wedding ring matching his a lot sooner. He just needs to find the right place and the right time. But for now, he will enjoy the now.


well this is the end of the entire series I wrote *sighs* I'm going to miss it but I had fun writing it! I hope you enjoy reading it. There are more stories on my account if you want to read more!

Until next time, bye!

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