Chapter 21: Forgetting Something?

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Chihiro hasn’t come out of her bedroom for four days. Her parents went on a trip for their job and left Chirhiro at home by herself. She was uncertain what would happen if she left the house, but she had a very bad feeling about it. So, she hasn’t left. She hasn’t seen Haku either, but something doesn’t seem off. If he was suspicious wouldn’t he have contacted her somehow?

On Friday Chihiro finally decided that she should probably get up and do something. She planned on going out to the bookstore on her road then to the tunnel to see Haku. She slipped on her boots and coat and walked through her door. Little pieces of snow flew around her head and it was literally a winter wonderland outside of her house. She trudged through the snow and down the road to the bookstore.

             She spent hours in the store picking out books, reading about them and putting them back if they didn’t interest her. She finally had a good stack of 3 books and went to the checkout counter. She paid the girl and left the store. By then it was barely daylight out and the moon was up high in the sky. She knew of a short cut to the tunnel, but of course it was a path through an alley. She quickly walked through it, trying to get away before anyone could see her. She heard a cough behind her and looked behind her. A tall, dark figure stood behind her. What was up with this kid? She wondered as she saw it was Kao. Why was he always around her, following her around? She tried to keep walking but he caught up to her and pushed her up against the wall of an old brick building. “Kao, what are you doing?”

             “I wanted to apologize for what happened at school.” His breath was cold on her face and he was very close.  “I went around and told everyone that what I said wasn’t true. Just so you know.”

             “Well that’s nice to know.” She struggled against his grip on her arms. “Now can you let me go please?”

             “Chihiro I really am sorry. Why can’t you forgive me?” His face was full of sorrow and his eyes watery. “Please Chihiro! I’m only human.” She suddenly remembered his glowing red eyes in the dark closet a couple days ago. She was getting ready to ask him if he really was human or not when his lips crashed into hers. What?! Was her first thought. What was wrong with this boy? She refused to kiss him back. She tried to shove him away but he wouldn’t budge. “Kao, stop!” She tried to say. She tried to move somehow, do something. He moved his lips from her mouth down to her neck and kissed her. “My God! Stop!” She tried to kick him or hit him or something. She finally brought in all the air she could and screamed. There was suddenly the sound of metal hitting flesh, then the weight and restraints were gone from her. She looked around, but didn’t see anyone. She panted and wiped her lips and neck off on the sleeve of her coat. She so desperately wanted to sit and cry, but she held it together until she got to the tunnel. And what broke her was the fact that Haku was nowhere to be found and she was all alone.


The sun was rising and Haku new he really had to get  to the tunnel but there was just one tiny little problem.

Kaze-sama was blocking his path. She stood in front of the main door to Haku’s office and stared at him.

“Miss Wind Spirit,” He said formally, “Is there something I can do for you? You aren’t really supposed to be up here.”

Her voice cut like diamond through the air, “Well my host said I could find you here…”

“Yes you can find me here… that doesn’t mean you are allowed to come and get me. No one is permitted up to this room without my permission.” Haku walked toward her and  past her shoulder opening the door behind her and gestured for her to leave.

The light pink spirits face sank as she stepped to the door frame. “I just wanted to try and get to know you…” She murmured as she took a step out of the door. “I guess a rare spirit is nothing compared to a weak little human…” her voice was darker and her head down on the last part.

Haku reached out and grabbed her arm. “What did you just say?” His voice was cold as he asked his question.

“Oh nothing,” She added flippantly, “It’s just that everyone in town is talking about the bathhouse master being in love with a human.”

Haku looked at her with shock covering his face.

“Oh Haku, don’t look so surprised.” Kaze stated as she turned on him. “You think everyone doesn’t remember Sen and how she ruined the whole Spirit world.”

“Her name is-“ Haku started.

“Shut up! Do I look like I care?!” Kaze put her hand on her chest to gesture to herself. “I just don’t understand! Why would a powerful spirit like yourself want to spend eternity with a pathetic little human? Do you not see me? I came to this bathhouse knowing full well who you were but I played coy.” She was now walking toward Haku and forcing him back into his office.

“Kaze. Stop. You really don’t know what you are talking about.” Haku stated blackly as he pushed her away with his hand. “You don’t understand at all. You weren’t even here in the spirit world if I remember correctly. Haku didn’t form it as a question because he knew she wasn’t.

“So what I still heard about what happened! She was the reason Yubaba left! Yubaba was one of the best things to ever happen to this realm. And then that No Face and what he did to Zeniba. Why would she have trusted to leave that thing with her!? She was so kind and now she is gone because of that beast!” Kaze was crying now, her light pink cheeks white as little drops of water rolled over them.

“Wait. What!?” Haku gasped as he listened to what the Wind Spirit just said then he asked, “Wait, Kaze, Explain to me what happened to Zeniba?”

Unknown to Haku that during all of this unveiling and conversation they sun had risen high into the sky and the day was Wednesday. Shouldn’t he have realized he forgot something?  

**Haku, you terrible person. *shakes head* just kidding!! Hope you guys are liking this so far!!!! let me know any concerns or comments or questions. Just comment and ill get back with ya! xx

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