Chapter Two

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Christopher POV

Christopher Pov

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Christopher Pov

"What? Why..? Where are we?"

Lots of people are here, but we not on the inside. We are on the outside. There is a table thingie that that's not glass.

"We're about to do something good! We're going to help people."

"We're... We are helping the mean people too?"

She shakes her head up and down.

"Wh.. Why?"

"Because they need help too. Oh, come on! Don't pout, now."

"I didn't!.... Okay, I told not the truth. I'm sooooooorrryyy."

She hugs me, and I hug her too.

"It's okay, Christopher. Just tell the truth, okay?"

"Ooooooooooooookay Kate... Linn."

"I'm about to go get the food out the car. Can you help me? Make sure not to drop the food."

"Ooooooooooooookay. OH, IT'S COLD HERE!"

I rub my arms and lick my lips. I rush to Kate... Linn and put my body on hers.

"Oh, Christopher... Put your jacket on. The car's unlocked. Be careful not to close the trunk on me!"


I go back to Kate

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I go back to Kate... Linn and pick up a big big pot. I can even smell it! It smells like... Food.

I walk with her and watch as she puts the pot she was holding on the not glass table, so I put mines next to hers.

A huge line of people come, as Kate... Linn stands behind the table with a ponytail and gloves.

 Linn stands behind the table with a ponytail and gloves

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I stand next to her and put on gloves just like her.

"Okay, Christopher. When a person walks up to you with their plate, just get the spoon, and give them some food so they can eat."

"Okay... Why?"

"Because Thanksgiving is tomorrow. These wonderful people don't have food, or a home... Anyways, I still have to begin cooking so this'll have to be quick."

Before I could talk again, a old woman stands in front of me with her hands moving a lot. I take the plate, and give her the food. Oh, it was soggy leaves with some chicken bones in here. (It was really Greens with Chicken legs in it...).

I wonder what Thanks Giving is.

I've never had a Thanks Giving.

But, I guess I'll have a Thanks Giving with Kate... Linn.



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November 20, 2016

Awwweee, thank you all for the love and support for all three of these books, not even considering the "Watching"and "Twins" series...

Which I do plan on continuing btw. 😉

I love y'all!

Stay Gorgeous!

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