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I walked inside and instantly I hear
"Hey Brooke" from the kitchen my mum said
"Hey" I said walking in there smiling she looked at me confused
"Uh wheres Brooke?" My mum asked
"Me oh I'm smiling I got a boyfriend!" I announced
"Wow I'm so happy for you"
"Thanks I wanna change my look though"
"Nice okay after I finish this we can go"
"Thanks mum your the best" I left off with that then went up stairs to see Caleb
"Bro" I say opening the door and laughing
"Hi" he looked as confused as my mum
"You look like mum did anyways bye"
"Bye" he says I shut the door and went into my room and put on the makeup on when I first meet Grayson and also the same clothes.
I sat in my room going through Instagram and Twitter and Snapchat till my phone goes off from an unknown number
"Hello?" I answered
"Uh hi"
"Babe it's Grayson" he laughed
"Oh my I thought it was some retard even though most people don't know me but ya know"
"What y'all doing?" He asked
"Going to the mall for a shopping spree" I replied excitedly
"Oh cool with who?"
"Just ma wanna come?"
"Sure I'll be around in like two"
"Kay love you bye"
I hung up and then went down stairs and got a drink. Waiting and waiting for my mum to finish it took a while
"Oh yeah my boyfriend is coming"
"All goods" my mum said almost finished. Some one knocked on the door so I got up and opened it
"Yo" I said smiling
"Woah someone's happy and prettier than ever" I blushed super hard and tried to hide it by saying
"This is my mum" I pointed
"Mum this is Grayson he lives next door"
"Hi I'm Stacy nice to meet you" she smiled at Gray he smiled back
"Hey you too" we sat down on the couch and I snuggled with Grayson till my mum was done
"You guys ready" she asked drying her hands
"Yup" we replied walking out the door and getting in the car
"This is gonna be fun!" I announce.

LOVE IS A GIFT// GRAYSON DOLAN FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now