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On the plane to Amsterdam and about 15 minutes till we get there. I either slept or played on my phone the whole time we were on the plane.
"We're almost there" my mum said pushing me playfully
"I'm so nervous" I looked down and my phone because it buzzed Grayson text me
G: yo!
M: hai
G: wud?
M: uhh nothing really so tell me what hotel and room number is it nice?
G: wish okay calm down where in the Okura hotel and room 94 7th floor and it's so nice I wish you were here. I looked at this message and smiled then shook my head
M: me to :-(
I put my phone in my pocket as we were about to land.
We just left the airport and now we're in a taxi on our way to the hotel. I was shaking i m so nervous I was also about to meet one of my idols and internet crush Alex Aiono he's an amazing singer and good looking I'm not gonna say anything though because no one knows and I'd like it too stay that way. My mum and I just got in the elevator and pressed floor 7. The doors open after a small trip up the elevator. We took our bags and made our way to the hotel. I made sure before I knocked that I wasn't standing in front the mini hole where you look through to see who's there. I stopped and thought to my self I'm gonna scare the crap outta them I just smiled then knocked. I heard foot steps the door opened it was some girl.
"Hey how can I help you?" She said smiling
"Uh... I'm here for the twins" I weakly smiled back
"Oh my boyfriend Grayson is in bed but Alex and Ethan are on the couch" she announced I looked at her like I was gonna kill her and pretty much a death stare
"Where is he?!" I was so mad
"In the room right at the end of the hall" she said pointing I barged in the door next to her and stopped when I reached the living room and gave Ethan a death stare.
"What?" He was so confused then I could see it in his face that he realised that Grayson was gonna die tonight. He got up and I started walking down the hall heading to the door as I got a hand on my shoulder that turned me around. I looked into Alex's eyes
"What" I said as a tear ran down my face
"Your Grayson's girlfriend is that correct?" Apparently not anymore I thought
"Apparently not so would you mind I'm about to kill him" I tried to turn around but his grip was way to tight
"Let go!"
"Ariana is my sister she tends to mess with people she likes gray they don't go out" I didn't believe him one single bit
"Okay" he took his hand off my I looked down as he was staring at me I looked up then smirked and quickly turned around and ran into the room.
"Hey!" Alex shouted and followed me
"I knew you were lying because the look on Ethan's face told me everything!" I jump on Grayson's bed and slap him in the face
"Ugh" he says yawning and rubbing his eyes
"Who-"he stopped
"Hi" I say death glare him in the eye
"Hey babe" he tried to hug me I rejected it
"Don't 'hey babe' me you bitch!" I slap him in the face again
"Calm down what's her problem" he asks Alex
"Ariana told her that you go out with her"
I looked at Grayson he looked back and sighs
"That's not true at all I promise" he says cupping my cheeks with his hands
"Are you sure because I have both hands ready" I smiled he did too we kissed I looked at him like get up man it's day let's have fun but I didn't say anything. I got up the went and jumped on Ethan
"YO!" I yelled
"Hey Brooke what's up" he said hugging me
"Heaven" I smiled he smiled and then introduced me to my bae Alex
"This is Alex and Alex this is Brooklyn" I waved he put his hand out for Me to shake it I got up and hugged him my mum just watched
"Your my idol" I said without taking my smile away
"Nice your very pretty" I blushed
"Don't say that in front of gray hell probably kill you" he laughed
"Your funny I like it"
" I'm just warning you"
A couple of hours went by we had pizza for dinner and we had chocolate moose for desert the we went to sleep. My mum got her own room and I stayed with the boys. This was the best night ever sorta? 

LOVE IS A GIFT// GRAYSON DOLAN FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now