The T-Rex Is Loose!!!

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Soon enough, the tropical storm struck the island. The winds reached up to 70 miles an hour, whipping through the trees, as waves crashed against the sea walls bordering the dock of the theme park island. But, unbeknown to anyone or anything, a sinister plot was unfolding, and it'll knock out everything that is electrical on the Island.

As the tour vehicles were making their way back to the visitor's centre, the storm was getting worse. As Shaggy, Daphne, and Scooby, along with Gennaro, were talking in the first tour car Ford, Braedey and Dr. Malcolm were having a conversation in the second Ford, since they're the only ones in the second car.

"You've got any kids, Dr. Malcom?" Braedey asked.

"Me? Oh, hell yeah. I have three. I love kids. Anything that can does happen." Dr. Malcom replied. "Same with wives, for that matter."

Braedey raised an eyebrow. "You married?" He asked.

"Occasionally." Dr. Malcom replied. "Yeah, I'm always on the lookout for a future ex-Miss. Malcom." The man in black laughed, and Braedey couldn't help but have a bit of a chuckle.

"By the way, Mrs. Martin, she's not like, available, is she?" Dr. Malcom then asked.

"Why do you ask?" Braedey asked suspiciously.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Dr. Malcom apologised. "You and her are still mending old wounds."

"At a good pace." Braedey nodded, but at that moment, the cars suddenly grounded to a halt, just outside one of the paddocks. "What just happened?"

"I don't know. We stopped." Dr. Malcom replied, as a clap of thunder echoed out.


A few minutes later, Braedey was talking to the others in the first car, whilst he goat in the T-Rex paddock was simply standing in the rain. The brunette nodded to the others, and headed back to the other car.

"Their radio is down, too." Braedey told Malcom, and closed the door. "Gennaro said we should stay put. I think he's an idiot."

"Are your friends okay?" Dr. Malcom asked.

"Yeah. They're fine." Braedey nodded. "Let's just hope someone knows where we are." He sighed.

In the second car, Daphne and Shaggy, along with Gennaro were relaxing for a bit, whilst Scooby, who had found some night-vision goggles, was looking around in the darkness. But, as he does, he felt a faint thump. He stopped wagging his tail, and placed his ear to the floor of the car. He heard the thump again. He peeked his head up, looking alarmed.

Daphne seemed to notice this sudden behaviour. "Scooby? Scooby, what's the matter?" She asked.

"Risten. Ro you hear that?" Scooby silenced her, then the two heard the thump again.

This woke Shaggy up, and the three looked to some glass cups up front. As they looked, they was fine circled ripples in the water every time a thump was heard. It happened once, then a few seconds later, it happened again. Even the thumping vibration was seen in the rear-view mirror.

"Like, what is that?" Shaggy asked, as Scooby looked over to the paddock with the goggles. But, as he does, he saw the spot where the goat was, was empty. There was no sign of the goat, all except for a post and a broken chain. "Where is the goat?"

"Where did the goat go?" Daphne asked, then she, Gennaro, who had woken up, and Shaggy, heard something land on the roof of the car. They looked, and saw what might've been the leg of the goat. "Well... there it is." Daphne gulped, as Scooby froze almost immediately at what he saw behind the fence.

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